Inflammation Is at the Core of Most, If Not All, Health Issues

Inflammation Is at the Core of Most, If Not All, Health Issues

Inflammation plays a role in heart disease, cancer, diabetes, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, and countless other conditions and diseases. It puts stress on the body, accelerating the aging process. The hard part is that other than symptoms like pain, swelling, redness, burning, anxiety, insomnia, and weight gain—inflammation is INVISIBLE. That is because it happens inside your…

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Breakfast Bread

Are Stress and Comfort Foods Making You Sick?

Even if you don’t have digestive symptoms, health issues anywhere in your body may be stemming from your belly. This is due to a careful synergy within our bodies that connects our digestion to everything else. I’d like to share this story from my book, The Stress Remedy, to illustrate how a fire in one’s…

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Common questions and answers about Paleo Diets

Common questions and answers about Paleo Diets

Is a paleo diet too high in protein? A paleo diet is higher in protein, but not ONLY protein. A safe and healthy amount of protein for sedentary adults is 0.8 grams per kilogram.  For those who exercise regularly, the recommended protein intake increases up to 1.8 grams per kilogram. To calculate the amount of…

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Paleo Skincare

Is a Paleo Diet for Me? (Part 1)

Even though we are walking around with smartphones and laptop computers—and have electricity and heat (usually), we are actually not that much different, genetically, than our ancestors. Our ancestors did NOT have the ability to digest gluten and many other grains, and nor do we. That is the premise behind what is referred to as…

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Hampton Cleanse

How to do a cleanse without stressing your body more?

Many people are afraid to do a detox or cleanse – and for good reason! My body has ALWAYS been sensitive to cleanses, and I’ve tried all sorts of them. While in naturopathic medical school, I tried elimination diets, liver cleanses, juicing, fasting, and more. I learned from the experiences, some of which were not…

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Party Favors

Tips for creating a resolution that lasts all year

Happy New Year! I’m sending you happy 2014 wishes from the other side of the world – in Hong Kong – where New Year’s resolutions start 13 hours earlier! While most New Year’s resolutions are broken rather quickly, how about taking a different approach to your resolutions this year by first identifying how you personally…

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Tree with Lights

Stress and Synergy Disruptors

An Excerpt from The Stress Remedy My patient Carly was a 28-year-old woman who loved her job as a junior copywriter in a public relations firm. She had been putting in many late nights at work, averaging only four to six hours of sleep each night, working straight through lunch, and relying on pasta or…

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Doni at Huffngton Post

Holly and Jolly with The Huffington Post

Listen and watch as The Huffington Post interviewed me on how to reduce stress as part of their series on reducing stress throughout the holiday season. DR. DONI WILSON is a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, natural health expert, nutritionist, and midwife specializing in gluten sensitivity, intestinal permeability, adrenal stress, and insulin resistance. She helps women,…

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5 Tips for Coping with Stress During the Holidays

5 Tips for Coping With Stress During the Holidays

Would you prefer to listen to this article? Stress Remedy Tip #1: Give Yourself the Gift of Self-Love In the midst of making your list and checking it twice, it’s easy to forget the essential act of caring for yourself first. In THE STRESS REMEDY, I share the warning signs of when too much stress…

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5 Tips to Get Through Thanksgiving with Less Stress!

with help from Liz Navaretta, LCSW Plan activities that you enjoy before and/or after Thanksgiving dinner. Examples would be going for a run or walk (there are many local Turkey Trot runs on Thanksgiving), read a book or article you enjoy, and/or call friends and family that you won’t get to see. During Thanksgiving dinner,…

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cold, flu, cold remedies, flu season, natural remedies

Dr. Doni’s Natural Cold/Flu Survival Guide

Dr. Doni shares her tried and true approaches for preventing and recovering from cold and flu viruses (updated Sept 2015). Catching a cold, flu, sinusitis or bronchitis, can require days or weeks of recovery, even with antibiotics. I prepared this survival guide to help you recover faster, prevent viral infections to begin with, and boost your…

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