Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, CFS, oxidative stress, free radicals, cortisol, fatigue

Chronic Fatigue and Oxidative Stress: Getting Back on Track

Dr. Doni explains the connections between the nervous system, hormones, digestion, and the immune system, and how they can cause chronic fatigue and oxidative stress. Part 6 of Dr. Doni’s Series on Oxidative Stress Twenty years ago when I was a naturopathic medical student at Bastyr University, I had a particular interest in patients who…

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holidays, holiday stress, New Year's, New Year's Resolutions, eating healthy, sleep, exercise, yoga, meditation, massage

Holiday Burnout Recovery Tips

Feeling stressed or run-down after the holidays? Dr. Doni Wilson gives some simple tips to recover from holiday burnout—and start the year off right. As we ring in the New Year, many of us are worn out and sleep-deprived after rushing around to get ready for the holidays, and may even feel a few pounds…

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Alzheimer’s, Alzheimer’s Disease, oxidative stress, inflammation, antioxidants

Supplements and Natural Remedies to Prevent and Alleviate Alzheimer’s Disease

Continuing her exploration of oxidative stress and Alzheimer’s Disease, Dr. Doni explains the importance of antioxidants and recommends the 10 top supplements that can help alleviate symptoms—or prevent its onset. Part 5 of Dr. Doni’s Series on Oxidative Stress Oxidative Stress Leads To Inflammation As we have discussed in previous articles in this blog series…

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Alzheimer’s, Alzheimer’s Disease, oxidative stress, inflammation, stress, toxins, high blood sugar, blood sugar, insulin, insulin resistance, type 3 diabetes, carbohydrates, Ketogenic Diet, exercise

Dietary, Lifestyle, and Environmental Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s Disease

Dr. Doni explains how lifestyle and environment can cause oxidative stress and lead to Alzheimer’s, and gives practical tips to minimize your risk of getting it. Part 4 of Dr. Doni’s Series on Oxidative Stress Last week, I started out by getting you up to speed on Alzheimer’s disease—what is and isn’t known about the…

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Alzheimer’s, Alzheimer’s Disease, oxidative stress, inflammation, cytokines, biomarker, epigenetics, neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer’s and aluminum, facts about Alzheimer’s, myths about Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s Disease and Oxidative Stress: Looking at the Facts

Dr. Doni reviews the facts about Alzheimer’s Disease, including some of the current research connecting it to oxidative stress. Part 3 of Dr. Doni’s Series on Oxidative Stress Most of us have a friend, parent, or grandparent who has, or who had, Alzheimer’s disease—that’s how prevalent it is. In fact, it is the currently the…

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Diabetes: The Link to Oxidative Stress

Dr. Doni discusses how oxidative stress can lead to diabetes types 1 & 2, with 6 simple steps to prevent the onset of diabetes. Part 2 of Dr. Doni’s Series on Oxidative Stress In the first article in this series, I introduced how oxidative stress can affect your health. In it, I mentioned that elevated…

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oxidative stress, what is oxidative stress, anti-oxidants, stress, cortisol, elevated cortisol levels genetics, oxidative stress causes, oxidative stress and aging, oxidative stress cancer, oxidative stress markers, oxidative stress test

Oxidative Stress: What Is It and How Can It Affect Your Health?

Dr. Doni introduces the subject of her new series of articles – oxidative stress – an increasingly discussed condition that has a massive impact on our health. Part 1 of Dr. Doni’s Series on Oxidative Stress Last year, I wrote an article on oxidative stress called “5 Signs of Oxidative Stress and 7 Ways You…

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stress, stress remedies, sleep, diet, exercise, natural health

Dr. Doni in The Huffington Post on “Fall Stress Busters”

Dr. Doni contributed an article to The Huffington Post this week, offering 5 tips for managing seasonal stress. Fall Stress Busters: A Seasonal Guide to Managing Stress, Naturally This article was originally published on The Huffington Post. As autumn sets in and temperatures drop, many of us are facing challenges, including work and school schedules,…

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Leaky Gut, supplements, herbs, nutrients, Probiotics, Prebiotics, Hydrochloric Acid, taurine, glycine, Glutamine, glucosamine, Aloe Vera, Slippery Elm, Licorice, Turmeric, Colostrum

16 Supplements, Nutrients and Herbs to Heal Leaky Gut

Dr. Doni lists the best nutrients, herbs, and natural supplements that can help heal Leaky Gut, and explains what they do and who should take them. Part 14 of Dr. Doni’s Series on Leaky Gut Over the past few blog posts we have been looking at everything to do with Leaky Gut and how to…

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Leaky Gut, Bone broth, Glutamine, Glutamine powder, amino acids, minerals, collagen, natural health

Should I Use Bone Broth to Help Heal My Leaky Gut?

Dr. Doni gives an overview of bone broth, a trendy food that can be helpful in healing Leaky Gut; what is in it and how to get the benefits. Part 13 of Dr. Doni’s Series on Leaky Gut Over the past few blog posts, we have been looking at Leaky Gut and how to manage,…

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sleep, kids, sleep and kids, insomnia, trouble sleeping, restful sleep, tossing and turning, insomniac, disrupted sleep, sleep disruption, natural health

Dr. Doni Quoted in The Huffington Post on Kids and Sleep

Dr. Doni was recently quoted in an article called, “What We’ve Learned About Kids And Sleep In 2015,” published in the Huffington Post. The article is about how a lack of sleep can be harmful to kids, and what you can do to help get your kids back on a regular, reliable sleep schedule. In…

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autoimmune diseases, autoimmune conditions, leaky gut, autoimmunity, immune system, auto-immune conditions, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimoto’s Disease, Grave’s Disease, Celiac Disease, Type 1 Diabetes, white blood cells, antibodies, cytokines, food sensitivities, zonulin, stress, microbiome, natural health

Leaky Gut and Autoimmune Diseases – What’s the Connection?

Dr. Doni explores the relationship between digestion and autoimmune diseases such as Lupus, Celiac, and Rheumatoid Arthritis, and offers advice on addressing autoimmunity. Part 9 of Dr. Doni’s Series on Leaky Gut In this series we are looking in detail at Leaky Gut, a condition that is really common and poorly understood: What it is,…

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