Hashimoto’s Disease and MTHFR: An Interview with Dr. Emily Kiberd
Dr. Doni is interviewed by Dr. Emily Kiberd about Hashimoto’s Disease, how it is related to MTHFR mutations, and natural solutions for those with this autoimmune disease.
Dr. Doni is interviewed by Dr. Emily Kiberd about Hashimoto’s Disease, how it is related to MTHFR mutations, and natural solutions for those with this autoimmune disease.
There’s a difference between folic acid & folate, and it has many pregnant women assuming they’re getting the vitamins they need, when in fact, they aren’t. For most women this is a common situation: Step 1, find out you’re pregnant. Step 2, run to the nearest drugstore for prenatal vitamins. Step 3, schedule your first…
Autoimmunity lies at the root of many serious health conditions. While there are many things that can trigger autoimmune diseases, there are five culprits that are the most common. Let’s take a look at what causes autoimmunity, what symptoms might signal an autoimmune issue, and the kinds of tests are recommended so that you can take steps to reverse autoimmunity.
The only way to resolve ongoing health issues is to look at the whole body and identify the underlying cause(s). This is where conventional medicine often falls short, focusing instead on specific areas of the body without considering their relationship to the whole. Let’s take a deeper look at how naturopathic medicine – and Dr. Doni’s approach in particular – can help you achieve and maintain health and wellness.
Methyl-folate is commonly prescribed for those who have an MTHFR mutation. Some people feel better – but others feel worse. Before starting to take folate, here are 4 considerations in applying a more holistic strategy for addressing MTHFR.
Oxidative stress can overwhelm our body’s natural coping mechanisms, and can start to have a negative effect on our overall health. Here’s how to reverse the process and get your body back in balance and performing optimally.
Excess alcohol and sugar consumption can put a strain on your liver, especially when you have an MTHFR mutation. Dr. Doni lays out how sugar and alcohol can affect the methylation process, and offers 6 tips for how to recover when you’ve indulged too much.
Inflammation is an immune response, and it can happen anywhere on our bodies – not just on our skin or joints. Inflammation can also impair the methylation process, which affects energy levels, mood, and focus – especially if you have an MTHFR mutation.
There’s no escape from leaky gut – it will affect each of us in some degree at some point in our lives. People with an MTHFR mutation or methylation issues are more likely to experience leaky gut in its more severe form. Here’s an overview of how methylation and leaky gut are connected, and how to give your body what it needs to address it.
Exposure to toxins and certain “heavy metals” can impair methylation, especially if you have an MTHFR genetic mutation. Here’s an overview of the 6 toxins and metals that are the most damaging to methylation, including how to test for them, how to avoid them, and potential treatments.
When you’re constantly in “stress mode,” it can put tremendous strain on your adrenal glands, leaving you feeling depleted and less able to respond to stress in a healthy way. What’s worse is that common treatments can actually make you feel worse. Here’s a natural, drug-free approach to recovering from adrenal distress.
MTHFR mutations are found in 50% of the population, so they are quite common. But despite this fact, there’s still a lot of confusion around what you can do about it. An MTHFR mutation can be treated, and we can in fact influence our genes. Here’s what you need to know if you are new to the topic.
So many women struggle with fertility issues, and have trouble getting pregnant. Naturopathy can help by supporting the body so that it can function optimally. If you can improve your health, you can improve your chances of conception – and be more likely to have a healthy pregnancy.
Continuing her exploration of oxidative stress and Alzheimer’s Disease, Dr. Doni explains the importance of antioxidants and recommends the 10 top supplements that can help alleviate symptoms—or prevent its onset. Part 5 of Dr. Doni’s Series on Oxidative Stress Oxidative Stress Leads To Inflammation As we have discussed in previous articles in this blog series…
Dr. Doni, Naturopathic Doctor and author, explains how a MTHFR genetic mutation increases your risk of developing 8 common health conditions. Part 10 of Dr. Doni’s Series on How Genetic Mutations Affect Your Health Throughout this series of articles, I’ve given a lot of technical detail about the genetics of MTHFR. Today, in this final…