In this episode, Dr. Doni is joined by Nicole Jardim. She is a Certified Women’s Health Coach, writer, speaker, mentor, and the creator of Fix Your Period, a series of programs that empower women to reclaim their hormone health using a method that combines evidence-based information with simplicity and sass. Her work has impacted the lives of tens of thousands of women around the world in effectively addressing a wide variety of period problems, including PMS, irregular periods, PCOS, painful & heavy periods, missing periods and many more.
Rather than treating problems or symptoms, Nicole treats women by addressing the root cause of what’s really going on in their bodies and minds. She passionately believes that the fundamentals to healing any hormonal imbalance lie in an approach that addresses the unique physiology of every woman. This is essential to reclaiming and maintaining optimal health and vitality at any age.
Nicole is the author of Fix Your Period: 6 Weeks to Banish Bloating, Conquer Cramps, Manage Moodiness, and Ignite Lasting Hormone Balance, and the co-author of The Happy Balance, a recipe book filled with over 80 hormone balancing recipes. Finally, she’s the co-host of The Period Party, a top-rated podcast on iTunes—be sure to tune into that if you want to learn more about how to fix your period—and has been called on as a women’s health expert for sites such as The Guardian, Well+Good, mindbodygreen and Healthline.
Take Nicole’s Period Quiz to find out what’s up with your period! Once you take the quiz, you’ll get her Fix Your Period Quickstart Kit, a FREE 7-Day E-Course, to discover the top secrets
In this episode we talk about:
- How common it is to NOT understand your menstrual cycle
- Are pain, heavy bleeding, and mood changes normal?
- Is the birth control pill the only option for solving period problems?
- How estrogen detoxification, gut health, MTHFR and more relate to period problems?
- What inspired Nicole to help women balance hormones using diet, nutrients and lifestyle changes?
- What you’ll learn in the Fix Your Period book, by Nicole Jardim
Connect with Nicole:
- Website –
- Website for the book:
- Nicole’s Period Quiz –
- Nicole’s Programs –
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