premenstrual syndrome, PMS, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, PMDD, pms and pmdd differences, pms and pmdd symptoms, pms and pmdd treatments

Women’s Health: A Natural Approach to PMS and PMDD

PMS and PMDD are more than just a monthly nuisance – they can have severe symptoms that turn our lives upside-down. Thankfully, there are things that we can do with naturopathy to help support our bodies in combatting these symptoms.

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naturopathic medicine, naturopathy, naturopathic doctors, naturopathic practitioners, naturopathy definition

What Is Naturopathic Medicine?

Despite the countless stories of how naturopathic medicine has helped people make positive health breakthroughs, it’s still somewhat misunderstood. Dr. Doni seeks to clarify what naturopathy is – and what it isn’t.

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stress, stress reduction, reducing stress, stress relief, stress help, nature, nature healing, nature health, natural health

Stress Remedies: How Nature Empowers Us

Nature is one of the best stress remedies available. Experiencing nature, even in small ways, can have a tangible positive impact on your health and well-being. Here’s why – and how you can bring more of the healing power of nature into your life!

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Mindfulness, Meditation, Stress, cortisol, stress hormone, serotonin, dopamine, neurotransmitters, mood, telomeres

How Mindfulness and Meditation Decrease Stress

People who meditate regularly see better sleep, decreased anxiety, and improved mood and focus. Here’s an overview of mindfulness and meditation to get you started in building your resilience to stress.

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pet therapy, animal assisted therapy, stress remedies, animals stress relief, petting animals stress relief, animals reducing stress, stress pet therapy, animal rescue

How Animals Help Us Manage Stress

Stress is often the underlying cause for a lot of chronic health issues. Pet therapy can help with stress – here’s an overview of the proven health benefits of animal-assisted therapy, or even just simply having a pet in the home.

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digestion, gut-brain axis, gut bacteria, dysbiosis, microbiota, microbiome, probiotics, fecal transplants, blood-brain-barrier, butyrate, serotonin, LPS, lipopolysaccharide

Gut-Brain Axis: Why Optimal Health Starts With Digestion

The bacteria that live in our gut have a huge impact on our overall health. So, when it comes to identifying the root cause of any illness, we have to start by looking at the health of your microbiome. Let’s take a closer look at the gut-brain axis, and how to get your gut bacteria functioning optimally.

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genetics, genetic testing, genetic mutations

Your Health Is Not Set In Stone: Your Genetics and You

Genetics isn’t everything when it comes to our health. New research is showing that diet, exercise, stress, toxins, and sleep have a much bigger impact on our health. Looking at the whole picture – genes and all the other factors – Dr. Doni outlines the steps to take control of your health.

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stress, dealing with stress, how to deal with stress, how to de-stress, stress relief, vitamins, exercise, meditation

How to Deal with Stress – without Stressing Yourself Out

There are three common reasons that people put off addressing the stress in their lives. Here’s how to overcome these challenges and start making small changes that, over time, will have a big positive impact on your health.

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food sensitivities, food choices, diet, dieting, gluten-free, dairy-free, natural health, wellness

How to Live Fully with Food Sensitivities

Having food sensitivities doesn’t have to be limiting to your lifestyle. Here’s how to focus on ways to “create space” between you and your food so you can change your mindset and actually start to love the process of choosing new foods. With time and practice, it will become so much a part of your life that you won’t even think about it anymore.

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stress, stressors, stressed out, under stress, stress remedies, stress reducers, stress and anxiety, stress and health, natural health

How to Increase Your Stress Radar

If you can identify what is stressful to you, then you can seek activities and environments that help you decrease your stress. Here’s how to take the first step in honing your “stress radar” – the ability to notice and anticipate stress.

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stress, stress response, redefining stress, sleep, diet, exercise, stress reduction, natural health

Viewing Your Health from the Perspective of Stress

Anything that challenges our bodies or requires a response or adaptation from our bodies is considered a stress. And stress affects each of us in highly individualized ways. We can’t avoid stress, but we can take control by identifying stress and finding opportunities to reduce it.

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self-acceptance, oxidative stress, self-love, mindfulness, meditation, stress

Can Self-Acceptance Actually Influence Our Physical Health?

Does how we feel about ourselves affect our physical health? In the 15th and final segment of Dr. Doni’s Series on Oxidative Stress, she reviews new research on how self-acceptance can influence oxidative stress levels in our bodies.

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