Gluten sensitivity can lead to many health issues. Dr. Doni does a deep dive on the symptoms it causes, how to know if it's an issue for you and what to do to fully recover from gluten sensitivity.

How Gluten Affects Our Health (Episode 173)

Gluten can cause many health issues. Dr. Doni does a deep dive on the symptoms it causes, how to know if it’s an issue for you and what to do to fully recover from gluten sensitivity.

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The gut microbiome is responsible for our metabolic and immune function working correctly. Dr. Doni explains how to keep your microbiome in balance and avoid many potential health issues.

Getting Your Microbiome Back on Track (Episode 169)

There are about 160 species of bacteria living in our gut. This microbiome is responsible for our metabolic and immune function working correctly. Dr. Doni explains how to keep this microbiome in balance and avoid many potential health issues.

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The terms "folate" and "folic acid" are often used as if they're the same thing, which they are not. Folate (Vitamin B9) is the active form found in nature that our bodies are equipped to use. Folic acid, on the other hand, is a synthetic nutrient not found in nature that's often added to processed foods.

Breaking Myths About Folate and Folic Acid (Episode 167)

The terms “folate” and “folic acid” are often used as if they’re the same thing, which they are not. Folate (Vitamin B9) is the active form found in nature that our bodies are equipped to use. Folic acid, on the other hand, is a synthetic nutrient not found in nature that’s often added to processed foods. Let’s look at why this distinction is important and what it means to your health.

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HPV is a sexually transmitted virus that has over 150 different strains and some of those can cause cancer. Why is it that 10% of women are not able to clear the virus?

HPV: How to Get Rid of It (Episode 163)

HPV is a sexually transmitted virus that has over 150 different strains and some of those can cause cancer. Dr. Doni does a deep dive on what is preventing your body from getting rid of it and what to do about it.

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