Have you been wondering why your body hasn’t been able to get rid of HPV?
Have you tested positive for high-risk HPV, and it’s been positive for more than two years – potentially on and off, or even for 5, 10, or 15 years? If so, you’ve likely thought to yourself, “What the heck? Why can’t my body get rid of this virus?” You may have even heard from a practitioner that it’s not possible to get rid of HPV.
I’m here to tell you that this is not the case. To me, it’s simply a matter of looking deeper. In this video, I’m going to share three main situations that I find are happening when women are not able to clear HPV. These are all situations that we can address and, therefore, help you to get rid of the virus.
Understanding Persistent HPV
Whenever HPV has been testing positive—this is high-risk HPV types associated with cervical cancer and other types of cancer in the body—for more than two years, it’s considered to be persistent. The reason it’s considered persistent is that we know from research that 90% of people who test positive for HPV will clear the virus within two years.
First of all, this means that it’s possible for the human body to clear the virus. This is well-established in research.
In fact, it’s known that over 80% of us are exposed to the HPV virus every year, and by the age of 50, nearly everyone has been exposed. Yet not everyone who is exposed to the virus will test positive for it. That means that the human body can fend off HPV.
The Role of Host Health in Trying to Get Rid of HPV
We have to ask ourselves: What’s going on here? What is it that’s allowing some people to clear the virus and others to not clear it?
At first, it can seem like we want to point at the virus. Is it because it’s a high-risk virus? Is it because of a certain strain of the virus? Is it because there’s a certain strain that’s harder to get rid of?
What I see in practice is that it’s not about having a certain type or strain of HPV. All the high-risk HPV virus types have the potential to become persistent. The thing that determines whether it will become persistent is the health of the host—your body’s health, your immune system, and your ability to protect yourself from the virus.
If you’re susceptible in your internal environment, then that’s what creates a greater risk of persistent HPV, meaning it’s harder to get rid of.
The Current State of HPV Treatment
I feel very upset that there are women struggling with HPV and HPV-related abnormal cells and cancer around the world every day. In fact, there are over 4,000 cases of cervical cancer diagnosed every year in the United States alone.
Women are having to go through painful biopsies and procedures to remove abnormal cells caused by HPV, yet these procedures do not address the virus itself.
It could be that they have a procedure to remove the cells or tissue, and then within a year, it recurs again because the standard medical system doesn’t help them address the reason why their body wasn’t fending off the virus in the first place.
How the Immune System Helps to Get Rid of HPV
One of the easiest ways to think about this is by looking at the immune system. Our immune system is built to protect us from infections like the HPV virus.
HPV is different from other viruses in that our immune system can clear it to negative and keep it negative even if we’re exposed to the virus again.
Yes, there are many ways we can support our immune system—things like vitamin C, vitamin D, herbs, mushroom extracts, and more. There are so many opportunities with natural substances to support the immune system.
Looking Deeper: Asking Why is HPV Persistent in Your Body
But what I always encourage you to do is to ask why. Why is it that your immune system is depleted in the first place? Why is it that your immune system and your other protective mechanisms in your body are not protecting you from this HPV virus when we know that it’s possible to protect you from it?
By asking this very vulnerable question, which requires us to look within and realize that it’s not something personal and it’s not something to be embarrassed about, we can reflect on the truth of what’s happening in your body.
We can analyze that, potentially invest in specialty testing to show you what’s going on inside your body, and then get expert health help to address whatever is causing a depletion in your immune system and your protective mechanisms.
Three Common Patterns of Persistent HPV
Let me go through three common patterns that I see in my practice – scenarios where women become susceptible in their body (and mind) to the HPV virus, causing it to be persistent and cause abnormal cells over and over again.
1. Stress and Trauma
The first scenario is stress and trauma. Women I talk to every day—thousands of them from around the world—experience severe stress and trauma within two years of finding out that they are testing positive for HPV virus. This stress and trauma cause a cascade of effects throughout the body, the nervous system, and even the emotional system.
These effects lead to greater susceptibility and include everything from having high or low cortisol (our stress hormone) to disruption in our digestive tract and microbiome. The gut microbiome is related to the vaginal microbiome, and when either or both are disrupted by stress, that makes us more susceptible. We know that the microbiome is there to protect us from foreign viruses like HPV.
Stress and trauma also cause leaky gut, which means less healthy intestinal cells, so you’re not as able to absorb nutrients. It can lead to blood sugar imbalances as well as emotional and neurological distress.
We need to help women recover from stress and trauma and rebalance what has been thrown off, because these things can be addressed. They can be identified and addressed so that women can protect themselves from HPV and recover from stress and trauma at the same time.
2. Toxin Exposure
The second scenario that I see very often is toxin exposure. Women often don’t realize that they’re being exposed to toxins in personal care products that they could be using vaginally, like spermicides. These disrupt the vaginal microbiome and the vaginal environment and expose us to toxins.
When we’re exposed to toxins, including potentially mold toxins from water-damaged buildings and environmental toxins in our water and air, these toxins disrupt the vaginal microbiome and environment. They disrupt something called methylation, which is how our B vitamins help us detoxify. If we’re exposed to toxins and we’re not detoxifying—let alone if some women have MTHFR and other gene variations which also make it harder for them to detoxify—this leads to more nutrient deficiencies and suppression of the immune system.
What I find is that it’s essential for women to identify that they’re being exposed to toxins, by doing specialty testing to identify which toxins they’re being exposed to so they can figure it out and stop that exposure, as well as complete a very safe and effective detoxification program.
This allows them to get the toxins out of their bodies once and for all and then change their exposure risk by changing the products they’re using, getting filtered water and air, and protecting themselves from toxins so that they can better protect themselves from HPV.
I find that when women go through my detoxification program, they can clear the HPV virus in record time.
3. Nutrient Depletion
The third scenario that I want to talk about today is nutrient depletion. I often find—and I think this is because women are taught to push themselves so hard, to work long hours and sleepless hours, to do more to help others and take care of their families—they’re not doing a good job of taking care of themselves in the long run.
Oftentimes, women then decide to do something like follow a vegan or vegetarian diet, and often with these diets, a person is not getting enough protein, iron, and B vitamins. This can also happen when someone’s following too extreme intermittent fasting or any kind of extreme diet. What happens when we’re following an extreme diet or have extreme fasting is we have fewer nutrients coming in. We end up depleted of protein and again depleted of nutrients like iron and B vitamins, which are essential for fending off HPV. Those nutrients are essential for our immune system, for our detoxification, and also for healthy cell production.
If the virus is coming in and damaging cells, and we don’t have enough nutrients to counteract it, then that virus is going to do what it does, which is cause abnormal cells.
From all of this depletion of nutrients, women are likely to have imbalances in their hormones, maybe higher estrogen levels because they’re not detoxifying estrogen as well. They also may develop heavy periods where they’re losing more iron and B vitamins in the heavy menstrual flow. They may have painful periods, endometriosis, or fibroids leading to iron deficiency, leading to thyroid deficiency, as well as depletion of their neurotransmitters.
This means they end up experiencing a lot of anxiety and depression, sleep issues, as well as vaginal infections like yeast and BV. It’s all a state of depletion—everything gets more and more depleted, leaving them with an inability to fend off HPV.
Conclusion and Next Steps
If any of those three scenarios sounds like it might be the case for you, then I welcome you to contact me or my office. You can always set up a time to talk to my team about your case and think about whether you would like to have my help to resolve any or all three of these scenarios. These are all things that you can recover from.
Again, by asking the question “Why?”—why are you not clearing the virus, why is your immune system and your other protective mechanisms not helping you, what’s going on there—and when we ask those questions and we dig deeper and do this specialty testing that gives us the information we need, we can find out if you have nutrient deficiencies, toxins in your body, methylation issues, detoxification issues, or hormone imbalances.
We can find these things out, and when we finally do figure out what’s underlying and resolve those things—which is what I do as a naturopathic doctor and women’s health expert—I help you to resolve all of those imbalances so that you can get back to feeling your best, and your body can get back to protecting you from the HPV virus.
No matter which high-risk type you have, no matter how long you’ve had it—I’ve worked with women who’ve been dealing with this virus for more than 10 years, and I’ve worked with all the different high-risk types of HPV—in all of those scenarios, we’ve been able to get rid of the virus. We do that by looking deeper, by understanding what’s making you susceptible, and how to rebuild your protective mechanisms.
Amazingly, in the process, we end up helping you learn how to protect yourself going forward—not just from the HPV virus, but also from stress, trauma, toxins, and depletions by learning how to take better care of yourself while taking care of others. Ultimately, we can only take care of others if we’re taking good care of ourselves.
I would love to be able to help you learn what’s happening in your body and help you heal the relationship with your body. A lot of times, women find that they’re feeling so critical of being in this situation that they can actually be angry and in a battle with their own self and their own body. That’s an important part of the emotional healing that can happen as well.
We can get to the point of getting rid of HPV and protecting you from it coming back again, even if you’re exposed again, and put an end to this cycle of repeat procedures and recurrent fear about what this virus could do to your body, your health, and your life going forward.
If you would like more support you can find my FREE HPV Recovery Guide. If you want to learn how to get rid of HPV I encourage you to sign up for my Heal HPV Kickstart Program (giving you access to the initial steps of my protocol) or my Say Goodbye to HPV Program (with online access to my complete protocol and healing community).
These programs are great ways for you to access my protocol, products, doses, stress recovery, and dietary support from online. You’ll also get access to order testing and vaginal suppositories. I’d love to teach you how to heal and protect yourself from HPV.
If you would like to learn how to do a detox to improve your overall health and wellness I definitely encourage you to check out my New 14-Day Detox Program (mentioned above). This program includes two protein shakes per day with 18 grams of protein, and two meals per day with a meal plan that I created based on making sure you get at least 20 grams of protein in each meal.
It also includes antioxidants, and videos from me to teach you to use mindfulness, as well as to replace toxins in your food and home. In this way, you can reset your diet, lifestyle and cell health all carrying on with your daily activities and routine.
To learn more about my approach to healing from all of this using my Stress Recovery Protocol which involves optimizing cortisol and adrenaline levels to heal the adrenals, as well as neurotransmitters, using nutrients, herbs and C.A.R.E.™ – my proprietary program to support clean eating, adequate sleep, stress recovery and exercise – I encourage you to read all about it in my latest book Master Your Stress Reset Your Health.
You can also go to doctordoni.com or hpv.doctordoni.com. There, you’ll find lots of resources and stories from women I’ve worked with. You can see that this approach really works, and it can work for you too. Or you can set up a one-on-one appointment here.
Remember, your health is in your hands. By making informed choices you can significantly impact your health and well-being.
Thank you for joining me today. Remember to subscribe if you’d like to hear more in the next episode.
Here’s to your health and a future free from HPV!

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More Resources from Dr. Doni:
- Stress Type Quiz: Assess your Adrenal Function
https://doctordoni.com/quiz - Dr. Doni’s Book: Master Your Stress, Reset Your Health
https://doctordoni.com/book - Dr. Doni’s Facebook Group: Stress Warrior Stress Resiliency
https://facebook.com/groups/stresswarrior - HPV Recovery Guide (FREE)
https://doctordoni.com/ddpp/hpv-guide/ - FREE Masterclasses with Dr. Doni
https://doctordoni.com/masterclasses - FREE Guides from Dr. Doni
Personalized Solutions:
- 14-Day Detox Program: You can start this transformation program anytime
https://doctordoni.com/detox-program - Say Goodbye to HPV (12-week Program): Begin the journey to freedom from HPV today!
https://doctordoni.com/say-goodbye-to-hpv - If you’d like to meet with Dr. Doni one-on-one for your health, request a Health Breakthrough Session: https://doctordoni.com/breakthrough
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