Natural HPV Treatment: A Guide to Clearing High Risk HPV (Episode 231)

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Natural HPV Treatment: A Guide to Clearing High Risk HPV (Episode 231)

HPV treatment starts with testing for high risk HPV, then helping our immune system create an environment where the human papilloma virus can't survive.
Discovering you have high-risk HPV can be quite overwhelming. Dr. Doni talks about how a healthy diet, sleep, stress management, and targeted supplements can boost your immune system and create an environment where HPV can't survive.

I know how scary and overwhelming it can be when you first find out that you’re testing positive for a high risk HPV virus and potentially abnormal cells. I’ve been helping thousands of women for over 24 years with HPV treatment – addressing high risk HPV, getting it to negative, and protecting themselves from cancer caused by high risk HPV. I understand it because I’ve also dealt with HPV myself.

When you first hear from the doctor’s office, when you first get that pap smear result back and it says “abnormal,” sometimes in red letters, it can feel like your whole world stops. Yet at the same time, you still have all of your daily responsibilities and expectations. You have your work, your family, and your goals.

And yet, here comes this information that the HPV virus is potentially causing abnormal cells or pre-cancer or even cancer cells. Very often it’s on the cervix, but it could also be in the anal, oral or sinus area. If you’re listening to this video, I know you’re probably searching, looking for answers. What can I do? How am I going to take care of this while taking care of everything else in my life?

Understanding Your Concerns

I know how overwhelming it can be to think, “Oh my gosh, is this going to turn into cancer?” 

We can have those worst-case scenario thoughts of “What if the virus causes cancer?” and “What is it that I can do about it?” Yet at the same time, as women, we are often the ones who are taking care of everyone else—taking care of our family members, our parents, our pets, our children. So we often don’t have enough time and resources to take care of ourselves.

It can be difficult, especially when we’re talking about something that we’re not sure how to talk to people in our lives about. Our loved ones—how do we talk about and explain that we’re testing positive for HPV and what that means? It can be a situation where you’re feeling isolated, overwhelmed, and wondering, “What do I do next?”

I want you to know that this is what I help women to navigate that exact situation. Because I feel strongly that there is a path. I know that I’ve guided many women down the path successfully, and they’ve then said to me, “Please, Dr. Doni, show other women that this is possible.”

So I want to give you hope that you also can navigate this path. There are ways to help protect yourself from high risk HPV, whether you’ve been testing positive for many years, or if it’s the first time it showed up, and even if there’s more than one strain present. 

No matter which strain of HPV, no matter how old you are, and no matter how long you’ve had it – all of those scenarios I have seen and helped address, and helped women to successfully eliminate the virus.

There is Hope – Your Body Can Clear High Risk HPV

The thing is, the human body can clear the HPV virus. Your body knows how to deal with the HPV virus and get it to negative and keep it negative. It’s simply a matter of me guiding you to understand what your body needs in order to do that. If it’s testing positive and if abnormal cells are present, it means your body needs more help. 

That’s all—your body needs more help.

Yet at the same time, again, it can be hard for us to prioritize ourselves and figure out how we’re going to insert this into our day, into our schedule. Then we start to second-guess ourselves: Am I going to be able to do this? Do I have to do it perfectly? What if I don’t do it perfectly?

I want to reassure you: No, you do not have to do it perfectly. It should not have to take all day, every day. This is something that can be done in your busy life. The women I work with still have jobs, they’re running businesses, they have families, they have other responsibilities. And they’re learning how to also take better care of themselves, give their bodies what they need in order to heal.Absolutely, it’s possible.

It does not require perfection. What it requires is simply each day taking steps in that direction. Step by step, little by little, we end up creating cumulative change. We start creating big change over time by adding up all the small changes.

The C.A.R.E. Approach to HPV Treatment

So what are some examples of small changes? I invite you to just think this through: What might that look like for yourself? 

One of my favorite ways to talk about care and taking better care of yourself is with the acronym C.A.R.E.

C – Clean Eating

I start with the letter C, which is for clean eating. How can you start to choose foods that are, in terms of clean eating, supporting your health? How can you put the emphasis on the positive instead of thinking about what you’re taking away from your diet or what you’re restricting from your diet?

We begin with “Let’s decrease the sugar.” Because we know sugar—I’m talking about cane sugar, spoonfuls of sugar, sugar that’s in processed foods—decreases our immune function, which makes us more susceptible to infections.

So if we say, “Let’s figure out where the sugar is coming in, decrease the sugar intake, increase the colorful fruits and vegetables and healthy proteins and healthy fats in your diet,” it might mean just thinking through your day and saying, “Okay, what am I having for breakfast? What am I having for lunch? What am I having for dinner? How can I, in my day, make sure that I have food available that’s going to be feeding my body?”

I’d like to start with a protein shake. That’s what I have in the morning —and it is the quickest, simplest, easiest way to get nutrients and protein. Now, you don’t want to just get any protein shake. I recommend getting a protein shake that doesn’t contain sugar, also doesn’t contain inflammatory proteins. I would recommend avoiding whey protein, and many of my patients need to avoid egg.

This why I, in particular, do all the research to find a protein shake that tastes good and has the right ingredients in it. 

I recommend that my patients use a pea protein shake, so it’s pea protein-based and it has the right nutrients in it. That’s the thing: when we take nutrients or vitamins or supplements, we need to make sure that they’re in the active form that our body can use.

Here is a link to my favorite protein shake that you can get through my website – Pea Protein and Bone Broth Protein or Daily Recovery Shake.

Because this, to me, is one of the easiest things you can do: 
Tell the people you live with (even your children) – “Let’s make sure I’m getting protein first thing in the morning.” And then it also doesn’t contain sugar and DOES have active nutrients in it. It’s like you have a multivitamin in the protein shake.

So you already can check off for the morning of taking good care of yourself with clean eating. Then you can continue with the day. 

Okay, where are you going to be for lunch? Look for either restaurants that offer clean eating solutions for you or bring food with you so that you always have food available that has protein and healthy ingredients. Same thing with dinner: you can either make dinner or find a place that has clean eating options, or make food so that you have leftovers to eat during the week.

These are some starting tips, dietary tips for you, in terms of how to get yourself on the right track with eating. It’s all about eating in a way that feeds your body, that gives your body the nutrients it needs at the intervals it needs it.

A – Adequate Sleep

A is for adequate sleep. Making sure that you, again, make plans to do your best to get a bedtime routine where you can get into bed earlier so that you’re more likely to get at least 7 1/2 hours of sleep. 

That means being able to prioritize and say, “What can’t happen today because I need to be able to go to sleep?”

Turn down the lights, maybe you’re going to do some reading or do meditation or calm music. You’re telling your nervous system it’s time to go to sleep so that you can get better sleep. Because it’s when we’re sleeping that our immune system is helping to protect us from viruses and other infections. So we need good sleep.

R – Recovery Activities

R of care is for recovery activities, and there are so many different recovery activities. These are things that we sometimes tend to dismiss or put as, “Oh, maybe I’m going to do that on the weekend,” and then we procrastinate, and we don’t do it. I encourage you to build it into your schedule, even in five-minute intervals during the day.

The recovery activities also include things like listening to music, journaling, even just having quiet time, let alone calling a friend, dancing, playing an instrument, talking to a therapist. There are so many things you can do that are going to be recovery activities, meaning they help you recover from your day.

Especially if you start to notice your mind racing, that’s when you want to stop your mind and say, “Okay, instead of letting my mind race into a million directions, I’m going to take this opportunity to do some stress recovery.” Really teach your nervous system that you are the one who is deciding, “Hey, I’m gonna start calming my nervous system.”

E – Exercise and Movement

E stands for exercise and movement. This is crucial for our overall health and well-being. Even small amounts of physical activity can make a big difference. Start with what feels manageable for you, whether it’s a short walk, some gentle stretching, or a quick workout. The key is consistency and gradually building up your activity level over time.

This is just the beginning steps. I’m hoping this gives you some ideas of how you can start taking better care of yourself, little by little, each day. And you might think, “Okay, I’m eating clean, and I’m exercising,” but maybe there are other aspects of this care that you can fine-tune.

Many times patients will say to me, “Hey, I thought I was taking care of myself, but I was actually exercising too long or fasting too long, and I wasn’t really taking care of myself the way my body needed me to.” 

So that’s one area where you can begin: just to start asking yourself, “How can I take a little bit better care of myself? What is my body trying to tell me that it needs?” You can journal about it even.

The Importance of Comprehensive Testing for High Risk HPV

From there, you can decide if you need more information. Have you had blood work lately? And have you had blood work that was a list of blood work from a naturopathic doctor like me? Because most practitioners just do the simple CBC and metabolic panel when really, we need more information.

So then you might be like, “Hey, you know what? I really do need some new blood work from a naturopathic doctor that can check into other nutrient levels and hormone levels and really make sure that my body has everything it needs.” We need to get information from your body about what it needs.

And then there are other tests that just don’t even come from the regular lab and the standard doctor’s office that you’re going to have to pay out of pocket for, but can give us really great information. Like, how are your stress hormone levels, your cortisol throughout the day? How is your adrenaline level and your neurotransmitter levels? Let alone your estrogen and estrogen detoxification levels and your microbiome. These are things we can measure and test for, and they’re labs—really high-quality labs that exist.

The reason to do these tests is because there are solutions. There are things we can do to address nutrient deficiencies, to even address toxicities and to support detoxification of estrogen, for example. Rebalancing of the microbiome, rebalancing of cortisol, of our neurotransmitters—this can all be done with natural substances like nutrients, herbs, probiotics along those lines.

It’s just that I don’t recommend just searching online. Generally, guesswork is likely not going to work very well because, if you think about it, I mean, I was in training for over a decade, and then I’ve been in practice for over 24 years to do this. So it’s a lot of information to sift through, and to be most efficient, it helps a lot to have someone who knows how to structure a strategic plan, how to gather the right information, and then put it into a strategic plan for you so that you can be most effective at addressing whatever it is that needs to be addressed.

That’s the thing: if HPV is showing positive, there’s something that needs attention. Because otherwise, your body would have taken care of it and sent it to negative, and no abnormal cells would be present. So if HPV is present, we know there’s something there that needs attention. We just have to be detectives and start looking for what it is.

The HPV Kickstart Program

Again, you can start with just fine-tuning your self-care. I encourage you to just start there. And if you would like more help, then you can always reach out to me. I actually created an essentials program called the Heal HPV Kickstart program that gives you the first steps on this path.

You know, it’s not about doing everything on day one and doing it perfectly, because then that just sets us up for failure and being harder on ourselves and falling off the wagon and then feeling like, “Oh, what’s the point anyway?” We don’t want that. 

It’s much more effective to say, “Hey, I’m gonna set myself up for success. I’m gonna put myself on the path of a well-proven strategy and a pathway that’s been shown by many, many women that it works.”

So you don’t have to figure it out on your own. You can actually be watching videos from me and letting me guide you every step of the way. I can guide you through how to not only fine-tune your care even more than what we just described here, but also to figure out your supplements. To know okay, exactly which multivitamin, exactly how much and what type of folate to take, how much of other nutrients to take, and herbs that you may have heard about but don’t know which ones or which brand. I can teach you all of that.

Now, I did create an HPV supplement bundle, and you can find that HPV supplement bundle here, which has the top supplements that I find are helping the most women. You can purchase these supplements through my website. I make it available even though you cannot find these supplements available through any other website online because these are supplements that you have to get from a practitioner with clinical training and certifications like me.

However, I want you to know that to get the right dosing, I need to teach you how to know the right doses for you, so I created a video series. So what I recommend is to get the supplement bundle and then get the kickstart essential video series so that I can guide you on how to take those supplements, which doses, how to navigate and help individualize it to you, and then how to start down the path of making dietary changes that are going to be helping you to fend off HPV.

In the kickstart program, you’ll learn how to:

  1. Fine-tune your self-care
  2. Start implementing mind-body techniques like meditation and biofeedback
  3. Start thinking about restoring your microbiome (your gut and vaginal microbiome)
  4. Start restoring your healthy cortisol and adrenaline or stress hormone levels
  5. Go down this path so that you’re helping your body to fully recover from what you’ve experienced in life

At the same time, you’ll be helping to protect your body from high risk HPV virus. So that’s exactly what the kickstart essential program is about. It guides you through a video series online to, again, not be perfect and not to set yourself up for failure, but to set yourself up for success.

From there, you can decide: Do I want to do more? Do you then want to work with me one-on-one? Do you want to do the more comprehensive “Say Goodbye to HPV” program over three months? You can choose that after starting off with the kickstart program.

So if you’re feeling overwhelmed and thinking, “Where do I begin? How am I going to do this?” and you’re searching online and you’re getting all kinds of random information but you feel like, “What am I missing? I still feel like I’m missing something,” well, then that’s exactly where this kickstart program is gonna help you.

You’re Not Alone

And I know how it can feel like you’re so alone, and the doctor’s office is not helping you. Especially if your doctor’s office is saying, “Well, just wait and see. Come back in three to six months and see if it gets worse or see what happens.” 

And you’re like, “Wait a minute, I don’t feel comfortable with that.” Or maybe the doctor’s office is saying, “Hey, you need a procedure. You need a surgery.” And you’re like, “Wait a minute, I don’t want to have a surgery or procedure on my body. I want to be able to protect myself from this virus.”

So if that sounds like you, then this is a perfect place to be where you say, “Okay, I’m going to take this into my own hands.” And at the same time, “I need some expert guidance.” Then I’m here to be that expert guide for you and to sit down with you and say, “Okay, how do we figure this out? Let’s make sure you have what you need.”

You can start by getting the protein shake I recommend, the HPV supplement bundle, and then the next step I would do is I would get the kickstart video series. So you know how to start implementing, and from there, you can decide, “Okay, do I want more? What’s my next step on this journey?”

You know, just like anything we do in life, it’s not like we’re gonna get it all done in one day. A lot of times it feels like it’s too big. It feels like a mountain in front of us, and we’re like, “How am I gonna climb this mountain? It feels impossible.” 

So what we have to do is we just have to take it step by step. We say, “Okay, I’m gonna do this step first, and then tomorrow I’m going to take the next step, and the next day I’m going to take the next step.”

We don’t know how we’re going to get over that mountain, but if we have someone there with us to say, “Okay, you take this path, you do this first, you do this next,” we don’t have to be so overwhelmed with climbing a mountain because we know that someone’s going to be there to guide us each step of the way. We don’t have to have it all planned out. We can just follow the steps little by little. We’re going to get there.

And I can tell you, over and over, case after case, every day I love hearing from women who, when they follow this, when they go along with me on this journey, they do get to HPV-free. Their next exam is HPV negative and no abnormal cells. They’ve been told that that was not possible, and yet that’s what’s in front of them because they chose to stand up for themselves and say, “Enough is enough. I deserve help to protect myself from high risk HPV virus.”

I believe you deserve help, and I see that it’s not available in the standard of care. That’s why I create that here. That’s why I have created that opportunity for you to choose this for yourself. And that’s what we do here in my office.

Closing Thoughts and Next Steps

So if I can help you at all, if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. In fact, I’ll put a link down below where you can schedule a free call with my team to talk about your case, what’s happening for you, where are you in this process, what are you trying to decide about. Then we can help you to know where’s your next best step.

And I’ll also put a link to the kickstart program in case you’re like, “Yeah, that sounds like it’s a good place to start.” Because then at least you can see how I start teaching you what that path starts to look like, and then you can always decide from there what you want to do next.

Okay, so there’s no wrong step you can take other than no step at all. Because that’s the thing: if we don’t do anything different, we’re not going to create any kind of change. But as soon as we start making small changes each day, and a little bit of change—I can’t tell you how many women within a couple weeks of starting, they report all kinds of improved mood, energy, focus, hopefulness. Even bloating goes away, their skin improves, they’re losing weight that they’ve been trying to lose, and they’re like, “Wow, I had no idea I could feel so much better so quickly by simply making small changes.”

So please know that if we don’t make any changes, then we can’t expect any difference. But if we start to make changes and we have encouragement to keep going, then we can expect a difference. We can expect a change. We can expect that the HPV virus is going to get the message and take off and leave because it’s not welcome anymore. It’s not going to be able to survive when you’re healthy.

So that’s what I’m striving to help you to do: to take better care of you, to be your best health advocate. The better you’re taking care of you, the healthier you are, the more you’ve recovered from the stresses of your life, the more you’re going to be able to protect yourself from high risk HPV virus.

If you are ready and would like to start taking the first steps towards clearing HPV I encourage you to sign up for my Heal HPV Kickstart Program or my Say Goodbye to HPV Program (with online access to my complete protocol and healing community).

Say Goodbye to HPV: Heal your cervix and clear HPV with this 12-week guided program from Dr. Doni Wilson.

These programs are great ways for you to access my protocol, products, doses, stress recovery, and dietary support from online. You’ll also get access to order testing and vaginal suppositories. I’d love to teach you how to heal and protect yourself from HPV. 

If you would like to access a high quality non-inflammatory protein shake you can get my Bone Broth Protein Nutritional Shake.  You can also check my Pea Protein Shake and my Daily Recovery Shake. All of these are great options to start your day with the right amount of protein to support your body.

If you are looking for supplements to start your journey to get HPV to negative: HPV Support Bundle.

To learn more about my approach to healing using my Stress Recovery Protocol which involves optimizing cortisol and adrenaline levels to heal the adrenals, as well as neurotransmitters, using nutrients, herbs and C.A.R.E.™ – my proprietary program to support clean eating, adequate sleep, stress recovery and exercise – I encourage you to read all about it in my latest book Master Your Stress Reset Your Health.

You can also go to or There, you’ll find lots of resources and stories from women I’ve worked with. You can see that this approach really works, and it can work for you too. Or you can set up a one-on-one appointment.

Thanks so much for joining me here today. Please make sure to comment if you have questions or any thoughts, and also to subscribe and put on your notifications so you don’t miss my next video. I look forward to connecting with all of you very soon. Remember, you have the power to take control of your health. You’ve got this, and I’m here to support you every step of the way.



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