What can you do about stress?

What can you do about stress?

We know stress leads to health issues, from anxiety, fatigue and headaches, to cancer, heart disease and autoimmunity, so what can we do to stay healthy under stress?

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How do you know if you're stressed?

How do you know if you’re stressed?

Are you feeling stressed? It seems everywhere I look, there is another article about how so many people feel stressed. A survey in the Huffington Post, for example, showed that 91% of people felt stressed in March, and 77% felt stressed weekly or even more often. The survey showed that most people were stressed about…

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Leaky Gut

First for Women Magazine article on Leaky Gut

First for Women Leaky Gut Article, Page 1  / First for Women Leaky Gut Article, Page 2 For a more complete view of leaky gut—what is is and what you can do about it, please see Dr. Doni’s Series on Leaky Gut: http://bit.ly/Leaky-Gut-Series.

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Heal Adrenal Stress with Good Sleep

Heal Adrenal Stress with Good Sleep

Our human bodies are built with a stress response system, managed by a hormone called cortisol. When cortisol levels are out of balance, stress can trigger a variety of health issues. Nutrients and herbs can help, but one of the best things you can do to get your body back to optimal cortisol levels is to get good sleep every night.

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reset your stress response

Ask Dr. Doni: How do you reset your stress response?

Sleep. As simple as it sounds, I find that it helps a lot to calculate my bedtime based on when I need to wake up, to ensure that I’m allowing enough sleep time. Otherwise, I’ll stay up finding more to do! Spending time caring for and cuddling my pets each day is one of my…

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Ways to rebalance your stress response

Ways to rebalance your stress response

Research shows that the following activities can decrease levels of the stress hormone cortisol, raise endorphins (feel good hormones), increase oxytocin (bonding hormone), relax muscles and improve mood. Bring your dog to work or spend time with your pet Laugh! Enjoy a movie, show or person that makes you laugh Gardening, caring for plants and…

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5 Tips for Avoiding Food Sensitivities

5 Tips for Avoiding Food Sensitivities

Dr. Doni, food sensitivity expert, shares tips to help you successfully eliminate the foods from your diet that are causing inflammation so that you can feel better sooner. For some, the thought of living life without gluten and/or dairy (let alone other foods too), can feel like the worst idea ever. But for most people,…

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Say Goodbye to HPV with Dr. Doni | Online Course

All About Stress: Dr. Doni interviewed on Five to Thrive Live Radio Show

Recorded November 27th, 2012 @ 8 pm. Dr. Doni Wilson was interviewed by Karolyn Gazella on the Five to Thrive Live! Radio Show about the impact of stress and how to reverse the damage. In this one-hour program, Karolyn asked Dr. Doni what happens when our bodies are under stress, how stress impacts our health,…

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Give the gift of years to your life

Give the gift of years to your life

Recent research has shown that choosing certain ways of eating, exercising, and being can add years to your life. * Huffington post: 7 Things We Learned about Longevity in 2012, published December 16, 2012 * British Medical Journal: Certain Habits Cut Lifespan by Hours for Everyday You Indulge, published December 17, 2012 I find it…

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How to Stay Sane, and Healthy, During the Holidays?

How to Stay Sane, and Healthy, During the Holidays?

As published in Easy Eats Magazine, 5-minute expert, in the November/December 2012 issue, from Dr. Doni. The stress of the holiday season can send us head over heels into illness and fatigue. We already have our stress response triggered an estimated 60 times on a regular day. Imagine what it’s like with added holiday stress. 5…

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Peace Amid the Storm of Stress

Peace Amid the Storm of Stress

With everything going on each day, how is it possible to change your diet, remember to take your supplements and find time to exercise? To me, it is all about finding the ways to introduce something new amongst and within the schedule that already exists. That way it is simple and doesn’t throw your whole day off…

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Let's talk about yeast, part 2 - Recovery

Let’s talk about yeast, part 2 – Recovery

With an understanding of yeast and how to identify it (click here to read part 1), now let’s discuss treatment and recovery. If you catch the situation early, some basic probiotics from the health food store can be enough to get things back on track. However, if you find yourself in the vicious cycle with…

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Let’s talk about yeast! Otherwise known as candida

Let’s talk about yeast! Otherwise known as candida

Dr. Doni, naturopathic doctor, explains yeast, the trouble it causes, how to know if you have yeast, and how to resolve it with natural approaches.  Yeast is a fungus. Even in a healthy body, some yeast lives on our skin and in our digestive tract.  The issue is when our bodies are not healthy enough…

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Dr. Doni Wilson

Is your cortisol optimal?

Our adrenal glands are two small organs that sit on top of our kidneys.  When our bodies perceive a stress, the adrenal glands are cued to set off a stress response, a complicated chemical cascade in which many stress hormones are triggered.  The first step in the process, though, is always cortisol, which is part…

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What you need to know to be healthy in 2012 - Part II

What you need to know to be healthy in 2012 – Part II

So how do we turn off the cytokine response and subsequent inflammation?!! To read Part 1, click here  Step 1. Stop stimulating them!  While you can do your best to avoid a broken bone or tick – the best way to take away the cytokine signal is by removing the foods in your diet that…

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