8 Steps to Support Your Methylation Cycle and Address SNPs

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8 Steps to Support Your Methylation Cycle and Address SNPs

genetic mutations, methylation, methylation cycle, chronic health issues, genetic health conditions, genetic testing, genetic treatments, MTHFR, MTHFR mutations, SNP, single-nucleotide polymorphism

Dr. Doni outlines 8 steps for ensuring a healthy methylation cycle and explains how taking them can optimize your overall health even at the most stressful times.

Part 4 of Dr. Doni’s Series on How Genetic Mutations Affect Your Health

genetic mutations, methylation, methylation cycle, chronic health issues, genetic health conditions, genetic testing, genetic treatments, MTHFR, MTHFR mutations, SNP, single-nucleotide polymorphismIn the first three parts of this series, we explored how genetic mutations (or SNPs) can affect your health, and how we go about finding out which SNPs you have as the first step on the road to optimal health. Then last week, in Part 3, we covered the methylation cycle, the enzymes involved in methylation and how mutations in the genes related to methylation can affect your health. If you haven’t read that article yet, or you are unfamiliar with what I mean by ‘methylation cycle’ and its relation to MTHFR, genetics, SNPs, etc., I encourage you to read last week’s article before you read today’s. You can do that by clicking here.

This week we get to talk about what you can do to support methylation in your body, whether you have SNPs that affect methylation or not! In some ways, it is simple to ensure that your body has what it needs to function well. It always comes back to some of the same basic things you hear me talk about all the time: healthy food, sleep, stress remedies, and supporting your body to recover from exposure to stress. Let’s get into the details of those steps today, and we’ll also look at possible next steps you can take if your methylation cycle and body need more support.

8 Steps to a Healthy Methylation Cycle!

Steps 1 to 4: Self-Help Strategies

Step 1: Support Methylation with Food

Because the methylation cycle turns nutrients into energy, it’s important to eat a healthy, organic diet, with plenty of nutrient-dense, unprocessed foods. If you would like help getting started, check out The Stress Remedy Program (not just the shake) that I designed with exactly this purpose in mind.

The key is to eliminate sugar and alcohol from your diet as well as folic acid, pesticides and other non-important extras in packaged/processed foods—all of which put stress on your methylation cycle. At the same time, choosing foods that are packed with active folate (uncooked leafy greens) and antioxidants (think colorful fruits and veggies) will support methylation and help decrease your oxidative stress. Go back to the basics and think protein (fish/meats or nuts/seeds/beans/lentils) + carbs (veggies/fruits/gluten-free grains) + healthy fats (in nuts, seeds and oils) spaced evenly through your day (aim to eat something every couple of hours or so).

Step 2: Sleep Your Way to Methylation

Get good sleep! Sleep is your time to rest and restore, and without it, you are more susceptible to genetic mutations causing health issues. If you are not sleeping well already, check out my series on sleep here and contact me if I can help you restore your sleep!

Step 3: Remedy Your Stress Response

As I explained last time, the methylation cycle is super-sensitive to stress, slowing right down when we are at our most stressed and making us feel horrible.  We all experience stress; it is not a matter of simply eliminating it although we can certainly aim to minimize it by making room for stress remedies in our day. We all have our favorite stress remedies including activities such as yoga, meditation, going for a walk, enjoying the outdoors, calling a friend and listening to music. To help guide you to integrate stress remedies into your life, I have written a 40-page ebook, aptly called Stress Remedies, which you can find here for just 99 cents.

Step 4: Assess and Address Your Stress and Cortisol

As well as practicing daily stress remedies to reduce your stress levels, you might want to assess how your body has been affected by stress. If you haven’t done this lately, you can take my online stress quiz by clicking here. Alternatively, you can complete the full stress assessment in my 380-page book, The Stress Remedy, which also goes into much more detail about stress, its effects on the body and what you can do about it.

Once you assess the effect that stress is having on your body, you’ll be ready to address it. You can do that by meeting with me in-person or by phone/Skype for a one-to-one health breakthrough consultation where I’ll explain how the health issues you are experiencing are both related to one other and caused by stress. Then I’ll give you some next steps you can take to turn things around and get your body back to optimal. Or, if you need to start from scratch with a genetic panel and panels to assess for stress and food sensitivities, plus have consultations with me to support you with integrating all of this information into you life, you may want to choose my Genetic Profiling Solutions Package.

Keep in mind, if you are exposed to high levels of stress on a daily basis (and most of us are), or if you are experiencing chronic fatigue, anxiety, pain and/or autoimmunity, then your body may need more specific support. It is not easy to figure out exactly what your body needs on your own, especially when you don’t feel well. It is important to seek the help of a practitioner who is trained to help. With your practitioner, you can then move on to the next 4 steps for supporting your methylation cycle.

Steps 5 to 8: Work with Your Practitioner

Note: These steps may not occur in this exact order!

Step 5: Prep with Basic Bs and Minerals

As I mentioned last time, folate (specifically 5MTHF) and B12 (methylcobalamin) are key nutrients for the enzymes involved in the methylation cycle so taking them in supplement* form would seem like a good place to start. However, some people actually feel worse if they start straight in with methylfolate and/or methyl B12 because their bodies are not ready for them quite yet. So, for them, the first step would be to start with a multivitamin or B complex and electrolytes that do not contain folate or B12 before graduating onto folate and B12 once your body is able to deal with them. Here are a couple examples:

Important: If you are able to start taking folate and B12 straight away then you’ll still want to add in the other B vitamins and minerals.

Step 6: Cofactors to the Rescue

Next you’ll want to support the cofactors in the methylation cycle. Cofactors are other nutrients that the enzymes need to do their job properly. Your practitioner will be able to advise which cofactors you need. Cofactors for the methylation enzymes are:

Step 7: Time for Methyl Groups

Then, when you are ready to start with folate and B12, your practitioner may have you start slowly and observe for aggravations such as anxiety, joint pain, irritability, nausea, and/or palpitations. Niacin may be used (usually temporarily) if you experience aggravations when adding in methylfolate and/or methylcobalamin because it helps to use up methyl groups. Here are examples of folate (5MTHF) and B12 (methylcobalamin):

Eventually your practitioner may suggest that you only take 5MTHF and/or methyl B12 when you are under stress. Or she may suggest a product that contains a lower dose (because too much is not a good thing either), perhaps in combination with the other nutrients that are needed for the methylation cycle. A few of my favorite products that contain folate (5MTHF), B12 (methylcobalamin), and provide methylation support are:

Step 8: Other supplements

Your practitioner may also recommend SAMe, glutathione (liposomal for best absorption), methionine, molybdenum, hydroxocobalamin and/or adenosylcobalamin. These supplements can be used to support your methylation cycle as they can allow you to support or bypass the enzyme processes especially when they are stuck or off-track. This can be useful if you have certain SNPs (see the previous article in this series for more information). Antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium, as well as DHA (omega 3 fat) and probiotics are also critical to supporting the methylation cycle.

Summary of Methylation Support

It is important to keep in mind that our bodies are constantly changing and adapting to our environment, our stress levels, and the toxins to which we are exposed. Don’t expect that your body will need the same amount of support day in and day out. There may be some days where eating a healthy diet, with plenty of folate and B12 from your food, will be enough to keep everything running smoothly. Then there will be other days—whether due to a big event in your life, travel, lack of sleep, or extra demands of some sort—when your body will run through nutrients much faster than you could possibly keep up with food alone. And it is on those days that you’ll want to know what to turn to in order to keep your body healthy.

And if instead you have a rather constant, stressful schedule, you’ll want to determine what you can do on a daily and weekly basis that works for you and supports your health. You’ll know when you get the right mix because you’ll feel good. It’s that simple. ☺

I’m hoping Spring break will allow you all time to rest and restore your methylation cycle. I’ll be back to writing this blog series the week after next with an article about the SNPs that affect mood and what you can do to support them. To make sure you receive my blog articles, please subscribe to the RSS feed and/or my weekly e-mail newsletter.

–Dr. Doni
2nd April 2015

*Please keep in mind that any and all supplements—nutrients, herbs, enzymes, or other—should be used with caution. My recommendation is that you seek the care of a naturopathic doctor (with a doctorate degree from a federally-accredited program) and that you have a primary care physician or practitioner whom you can contact to help you with individual dosing and protocols. If you ever experience negative symptoms after taking a product, stop taking it immediately and contact your doctor right away.

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  1. Dear Dr Doni,
    I have been reading your amazingly interesting advise on genetic testing for mental health.
    I have been suffering from chronic Anxiety and bouts of depression most of my life (I am 53 years old).
    I have been to so many different health professionals over the years and am currently seeing a Psychiatrist/Psychologist who I have been seeing weekly for 1 year with absolutely no relief.

    What would you suggest I do from here. I am so confused which is making my illness worse.

    Very kind regards,
    Sharon Clark
    Hobart, Tasmania

    • Hello Sharon,
      I’m thinking your best next step is to find a practitioner who can help you with the right testing and approach to help you. I’m not sure what is available near where you are… or perhaps whether you are able to meet with practitioners via Skype. Especially based on the severity of your situation, having a practitioner will make a big difference.

  2. Good afternoon –

    Thank you for providing such great content for those of us who follow your postings.

    I have the gene you referenced and have been taking Deplin, which is a perscription form of L-methelfolate.

    Please advise if you have any feedback regarding Deplin.

    Thank you,
    Bobby Jones

    • You’re welcome! Deplin contains the correct 5MTHF, it’s just that you want to be careful with the doses. Deplin comes in 7.5 mg and 15 mg, which are relatively high amounts. With the Deplin it is important to consider whether additional methylation support is needed in order to help the next steps in the process and to be able to benefit as much as possible. If you’d like to schedule for me to help you, check out doctordoni.com/appointment.

  3. Hi Dr. Doni-
    I’m looking into Thorne prenatals, but concerned about the amount of vitamin k. Is vitamin k contraindicated for those with mthfr? I eat a lot of leafy greens, have no other clotting factors, and my homocysteine is currently at 11. I need to start supplementing with methylfolate still and will add the prenatal after. Thoughts on vitamin k? Do you recommend a specific prenatal? Thank you!!!

  4. Dear Methylation Specialist Doctor:
    My name is Fernando Monjeau and I live in Argentina with my Family. I have twins 26 years old with C677T homozygote mutation just discovered.
    They have been infected with Lyme disease when they were 10 years old (we had lived in the USA during 3 years) and it took 7 years to realize this infection and 4 more years to overcome the infection. They have a poor immune system and had a tendency to get infected with waking pneumonia and herpes virus in a typical season time. They have a tendency to respiration acidosis, high C02 and Low Oxygen saturation with NO lung obstruction at all. The have had a muscle biopsy long time ago with some mitochondrial defect in respiration chain
    The are both schizophrenic and they take olanzapine 20 mg during too many years, but in spite of that they have voice hallucination an poor quality of life, is common bipolar behavior and depression as well. Both have born with hypospadias and took 9 surgeries to recovery a normal Uretra, Anyway they got finally a micropennis we have done some metabolic compensation according to hair analysis with some result, they have to be supplemented with Vitamin C, selenium and magnesium, zinc and manganese if not these values are always low. They are taking Betaine Chlorhydrate 400 mg in every meal to get better intestinal health because they have achloridea, possibly due to low histidine. I have attached the lasts amino acid profile (both are almost the same) where we can see too many amino acid under reference value. In particular we can not follow the Pfeiifer schizo theory because they have histine and Metionine at the same time, according Dr Piffer it is a treatment form histapenic or histadelic profile but not for both at the same time.
    Acido Glutámico….: 26,82 6-60
    Acido Aspártico….: 3,53 2-9
    Alanina…………: 184,29 146-494
    Arginina………..: 65,35 28-108
    Citrulina……….: 21,67 10-58
    Fenilalanina…….: 47,71 42-74
    Glicina…………: 102,05 100-384
    Glutamina……….: 172,91 340-798
    Histidina……….: 57,79 68-108
    Leucina/Isoleucina.: 133,89 98-205
    Lisina………….: 100,22 116-296
    Metionina……….: 11,97 14-37
    Ornitina………..: 12,85 36-135
    Prolina…………: 365,24 97-297
    Serina………….: 44,81 78-166
    Tirosina………..: 71,78 16-78
    Treonina………..: 61,96 60-225
    Triptofano………: 6,91 10-75
    Valina………….: 160,40 172-335

    Because we have just discovered a C677T mutation we have done more specific analysis of Folic acid and B12.
    The B12 and folic acid in plasma was normal BUT the RBC folate was in the highest limit ???????
    In this situation it is my intention to try with riboflavin 10 mg ( B2 ) at night to see if we can improve the traditional hypoventilation and schizoid behavior as well. Does this make sense to you ???? Of course I will really appreciate any advice about what we should to in this difficult situation.
    God bless you for helping others,
    Ing Fernando Monjeau

    • I’m sorry to hear about all you and your family have been through. I hope that discovering the C677 mutations will help your twins. The RBC folate is often going to show elevated. What we really need to see is there homocysteine level. I wish you could work with a practitioner who specializes in this area because I believe they could help you a lot. Even a practitioner who works via phone or internet to help guide you. Riboflavin is often needed, as are P5P (B6) and magnesium, but you’d want to be evaluating CBS at the same time as well as sulfur metabolism and several other factors. If you’d like me to help further, feel free to arrange a consultation through my website.

  5. Hi,

    I’ve been wondering if taking 5000mcg of methyl b12, methyl folate 1000mcg, magnesium, 2000 IU D3, Camu Camu, cod live oil and glutathione along with Vega One protein powder can cause adverse reaction. My naturopath but me right on all of this to improve methylation and for sleep. About a month later I got sick, then back and neck pain then has been around for a month. I was only on the nutraceuticals for a month. I have a very clean diet but was not supplementing prior too. Just trying to figure if neck and back pain can be related to supplement. She says they aren’t. I would appreciate your opinion. Thank you

    • Oh my, yes, nutrients, even the best nutrients, can be overwhelming to a person’s body. It is all about noticing how your body responds and adapting the dosages based on your response. Considering that you noticed pain after starting those products, my suggestion would be to stop taking them, notice if you feel better, then have your homocysteine and sulfur levels checked prior to restarting. Then instead of starting all at once, I’d start one by one, starting with magnesium and vitamin D. You may need additional supportive products prior to adding in methylfolate, B12 and glutathione. I’m happy to help further if you’d like to arrange a consultation (can be by phone). Find out more on the make an appointment page.

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