Helping Women Conceive with Dr. Aumatma Simmons (Episode 97)

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Helping Women Conceive with Dr. Aumatma Simmons (Episode 97)

Trying to conceive a pregnancy can be confusing and overwhelming. Dr. Aumatma talks with Dr. Doni about all things involved, including mindset and relationship with one's self and body.
Trying to conceive a pregnancy can be confusing and overwhelming. Dr. Aumatma talks with Dr. Doni about all things involved, including mindset and relationship with one's self and body.

Trying to conceive (TTC) a pregnancy can be confusing and overwhelming. Dr. Aumatma @Holistic_Fertility_Expert, my friend and colleague, and I talk about all things involved, including mindset and relationship with one’s self and body.

Naturopathic medicine has so much to offer women and families that is not offered in standard fertility care.

With naturopathic medicine, we have the ability to empower women by identifying why they may be struggling to conceive, looking at lab results and see what is happening and helping them understand how to embrace their body and support it to achieve pregnancy.

It is not uncommon for reproductive endocrinologists to say scary things to women, especially over age 40, about the likelihood of pregnancy. Dr. Aumatma asks: “How can we – doctors – have such little belief in the body’s ability to do what it is designed to do?”

“Instead of judgement about the past, let’s look at the reality of what is happening with your body at this point and figure out a plan to get you there. I’m a stand for women and couples to have babies when they are ready. It’s okay to have children later in life if that is what we are choosing. We can be empowered around it.”

In this episode we talk about:

  • How NDs hold a different space for women and couples trying to conceive
  • How to preserve fertility by being your healthiest self
  • How fertility is about releasing the struggle with perfectionism
  • How TTC is a stressor and how releasing control improves fertility
  • How to get into a new rhythm by seeing the power of your body to heal

It’s like going on a journey. The better women feel about themselves and in their bodies, the more trust they are gaining in knowing their body knows how to do this, so they can move out of the way and let it do that.

I think of it as creating an environment of safety for your body, mind and spirit so the ovaries get the signal to do their thing.

Dr. Aumatma explains: The ovary is the overachiever! It wants to produce and will go above and beyond, but what is needed is to not overachieve. We need to help women get to the place of believing they are perfect the way they are, then things magically transform.

Age and AMH (anti-mullerian hormone) levels are two of the biggest myths of fertility. AMH came about as an observation that when the number dropped below 1.06, women had poorer IVF outcomes. It doesn’t mean anything about whether or not you will have a child. There are many other ways to support fertility that can work even with a low AMH.

Dr. Aumatma encourages women to let go of the pressure on themselves and find the path that works best for you. It’s okay to say – we don’t want that, or we do! It is your choice.

There is a big gap in how women are being supported with TTC. Dr. Aumatma and I believe everyone should have access to the tests that can help and the support that is needed as soon as you are ready to start preparing for pregnancy.

Connect with Dr. Aumatma:

If you are trying to conceive and prevent a miscarriage, I’m also happy to help you. Reach out to my assistant at To not feel alone and to feel supported is essential, I believe. That’s what has made such a difference for the women I’ve helped to have successful pregnancies.

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