Acupuncture and Fertility with Michelle Oravitz (Episode 136)

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Acupuncture and Fertility with Michelle Oravitz (Episode 136)

Acupuncture and Ayurvedic medicine can help support fertility – Michelle Oravitz joins Dr. Doni to explain how.
Acupuncture can help get energy flowing and feeding all the different systems of the body. Once you remove blockages and give your body what it needs then it can begin to heal itself.

Acupuncture and Ayurvedic medicine can support fertility. Michelle Oravitz (AP, L.Ac, FABORM) joins me to discuss this in more detail.

Michelle Oravitz began her career as an architect upon graduating from Philadelphia University. After many years of experiencing missed periods (which traditional doctors could not resolve) and enduring stress at her high demand job in NYC, she decided to go to an acupuncturist named Dr. Li who immediately regulated her cycle.

Not only did her symptoms resolve, but she also felt a renewed sense of well being and clarity. She was unable to recognize just how disharmonious she felt until she experienced a new sense of well being that arose from her treatments.

When moving to South Florida, she enrolled in an Ayurvedic school which gave her tremendous knowledge about this ancient and rich healing approach. She then enrolled into school to get her master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Michelle believes that if she had not gone to a TCM doctor, she probably would have had a hard time getting pregnant with her two children. This has influenced her to develop a special interest in treating gynecological disorders and infertility.

Getting Back to Balance

When you start to become more balanced in your body you start to get more clarity in your mind, and you start to see what’s good for you and what’s not so good for you and then your body and mind become aligned. You start seeing everything differently.

It is sometimes difficult to do this because our society dictates that if you have chosen one specific path, like a corporate job for example, and have invested money and energy on that path, then you should stick to it even if it doesn’t fulfill your life.

The mind is such an important aspect of our health. Sometimes we just get used to the way things are in our lives and we are reluctant to change and to follow our hearts. This is exactly what acupuncture did for Michelle. It gave her this openness to change and to follow her heart.

If your body/mind are telling you something, like “I am getting the feeling that food is really related to one’s health, maybe I should eat healthier” then you should listen to it and start making the necessary changes towards that direction.

If you recognize that there’s something about that job or that career or that routine that’s harming your health, then you need to act on it and make the shift to a new environment that feels good for you, otherwise you will not be healthy and you will not be able to enjoy life to the fullest.

There is so much research coming out related to women’s health and fertility, new natural treatments, supplements, herbs, and nutrients to help women with fertility that there is always something new to learn and to try.

Talking about alignment we can see that if a person is in a stressful environment or if they are not aligned in the mind-body connection, maybe because they don’t really like their job or their relationship, or are under so much constant stress, then sometimes that is part of why the pregnancy is not happening.

We want to balance our hormones and we want to balance our microbiome and neurotransmitters but if there is something not working on the mind-body connection then it is much more difficult to heal.

A very interesting aspect of Chinese medicine is that it works by acknowledging connection. Everything that happens around us (the universe, the sun, the stars, the moon, etc.) reflect in the rhythms of life and in our bodies. We are walking living ecosystems that thrive on balance.

When something in our bodies is out of balance, we start to see health problems. Our bodies could have too much heat or too much cold or not enough blood production in a day-to day basis. There are so many different things that can cause the same symptom. We must look at the pattern, we look at the underlying root cause and then we can solve the problem.

Acupuncture and Flow of Energy

The human body is incredibly intelligent, but it is a living organism, and it requires attention and care, it is not a machine, and even machines require attention and care. If we do not give it what it needs to be in balance it is going to eventually give you some signs and signals and disharmonious feelings that something is not right.

Acupuncture is all about reaching that balance in your body and mind. It works on our energy as its flowing to feed all the different systems and get into different organs. And once you give the body what it needs then it removes the blockages in order to move that energy across all systems and creates that homeostasis state where it begins to heal.

In this modern world we are so used to having everything we think we need readily available for us, like fruits and vegetables that don’t grow in our regions depending on the seasons, or artificial light disrupting our inner resting cycles and hormones, or not going out because it’s too cold so we don’t get sunlight, all these things make our bodies go out of balance and we suffer the consequences in our health.

We also forget that our Earth has all the necessary nutrients and herbs to keep us as healthy as we can be, and that there are alternative ways instead of the traditional western medicine. For example, there is a lot of research showing the benefits of Ashwaganda in reducing stress (since stress is linked to fertility issues), or Phosphatidylserine to reset our Cortisol levels which help regulate our mood and sleep patterns.

In these alternative treatments it is important to know that there is no “one pill fits all” it has to be about the person, his unique body and his unique response to external factors. In this modern world we sometimes forget that excessive amounts of stress are often one of the main root causes of serious health issues like heart attacks, cancer, dementia, infertility, etc.

We have to recognize our own patterns and our unique bodies’ response to stress, so we can control it and not the other way around. When we are constantly overwhelmed stressed everything in our bodies gets out of balance, our neurotransmitters, our hormones, our nervous system, our minds, etc. so it is very difficult for our bodies to really heal.

If you want to reach out to Michelle and learn how she can help you:

If you want to learn more about your specific stress type, how stress may be causing imbalances in your body, and how you can start mastering it – you can do my Stress Type Quiz here:

Or you can dive deep into really becoming your own Stress Master by reading my new book Master Your Stress Reset Your Health:

You can also reach out to me to set up a one-on-one appointment: I LOVE to help with fertility – it is one of the most rewarding things that I do! And helping to prevent miscarriages. So if you are needing help, please schedule a time for us to meet.

We’re here to help you!



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