8 Health Risks When You Have a MTHFR Genetic Mutation

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8 Health Risks When You Have a MTHFR Genetic Mutation

MTHFR, MTHFR mutation, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, fatigue, anxiety, depression, miscarriage, cervical dysplasia, cervical cancer, women’s health, cancer risk, genetic mutations, chronic health issues, natural health

Dr. Doni, Naturopathic Doctor and author, explains how a MTHFR genetic mutation increases your risk of developing 8 common health conditions.

Part 10 of Dr. Doni’s Series on How Genetic Mutations Affect Your Health

MTHFR, MTHFR mutation, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, fatigue, anxiety, depression, miscarriage, cervical dysplasia, cervical cancer, women’s health, cancer risk, genetic mutations, chronic health issues, natural health

Throughout this series of articles, I’ve given a lot of technical detail about the genetics of MTHFR. Today, in this final article in the series, I’d like to summarize how the MTHFR genetic mutation can increase the risk of developing serious health conditions. My intention is not to scare you—I just want to stress the importance of taking your genetics seriously so you can take control of your health, naturally.

Common Health Conditions Linked to MTHFR Mutations

Over the course of this series we have looked in depth at the following 8 serious health conditions that have been proven to be linked to the MTHFR mutations. I have provided links back to the original articles if you want to read more detail:

  1. Miscarriages
    Many women experience miscarriages without ever knowing why they occurred. Research indicates that untreated MTHFR mutations can leave women susceptible to miscarriages.
  2. Heart disease
    High blood pressure, heart attacks, and strokes have all been found to be more likely in people who have MTHFR mutations. If you have even a heterozygous (single) mutation, and don’t address it by taking methylfolate instead of folic acid, your risk for a cardiovascular issue increases exponentially (the link also includes more detail about our next health condition below: diabetes).
  3. Diabetes
    While excess carbohydrate and sugar intake makes it harder for insulin production to keep up with need and eventually leads to diabetes, research suggests that having a MTHFR mutation increases your risk even more. If you have a family history of diabetes, be sure to read more about how to test and address MTHFR here.
  4. Fatigue
    One of the most common health concerns patients report to me every day is fatigue. There are many potential causes including low thyroid function, mitochondrial issues, leaky gut, and adrenal fatigue all of which are influenced by MTHFR mutations. It is important that we look at each and every possible contribution to low energy levels, but most certainly we must now also consider the role MTHFR mutations, and other genetic mutations, play.
  5. Anxiety
    Often, patients who experience anxiety also have an MTFHR mutation—and addressing a MTHFR mutation can trigger even more anxiety. This is exactly why it is important to work closely with a practitioner who can help you navigate the steps to wellness carefully. Here’s how to build a strategic plan to take control of stress.
  6. Depression
    Again, as with anxiety, there are many possible causes of depression and having a MTHFR mutation makes any of those causes, including stress, more likely to result in depression. If you experience depression, be sure to read this article and consult a practitioner who can help you to address MTHFR.
  7. Cervical Dysplasia
    MTHFR and the creation of active folate influence the development of healthy cells throughout the body. This is quite likely the reason why having a MTHFR mutation can make cervical dysplasia (abnormal cells on the cervix, usually picked up on your regular pap smear) more likely, even in someone who is otherwise healthy. Learn more about cervical dysplasia and how active folate helps it to heal.
  8. Cancer
    As with cervical dysplasia, we again have the key influence of nutrients on the creation of healthy cells. Research is starting to connect the dots between MTHFR, other genetic mutations, and cancers of many types, including prostate and breast cancer. This is still a new area of study, but I touch on it in this article.

Because MTHFR mutations (and other genetic mutations) have the potential to influence your health in so many serious ways, I have developed my MTHFR and Genetic Profiling Package to help you prevent and address all these health issues. The package includes:

  • An initial appointment with me, where I review your health history and we discuss the next steps to take so we can understand what your body needs.
  • The tests that will tell us about your genetics (if you haven’t done them already), and tests to assess how your genetics have started to affect your health.
  • Follow-up consultations once your results are in, to review your results and help you to implement successful change.

Closing Thoughts

Thank you for your interest in this series about the influence of genetics on your health. I very much look forward to reading your thoughts about what you have learned and what you think of how it affects you and your health. Please put your thoughts in the comments box below!

In my next series, I will be going into more depth about intestinal permeability, otherwise known as “Leaky Gut.” I want to discuss the causes of leaky gut and how to help it, so that you’ll have all the information you need to address it fully.

To be sure you get my next article, please subscribe to my blog at the right of this page, or to my newsletter below.

–Dr Doni
28th May 2015

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    • There is not a way to avoid the mutations if you have them already. What you can do to prevent them from causing health issues is to take care of your health in general. #1 is to address stress… get enough sleep, exercise or movement (but not too much) and eat organic, healthy foods. You might be interested in reading my book, The Stress Remedy, for full instructions on how to keep your body healthy and less susceptible to the effects of genetic mutations.

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