Microbiome In the Uterus? The Future of Fertility

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Microbiome In the Uterus? The Future of Fertility

Uterine Bacteria For Optimal Health

Thanks to new research, we’re beginning to see the connection between healthy uterine bacteria and fertility since accepting the benefits of gut health.

Uterine Bacteria For Optimal Health

It wasn’t too long ago that we as a medical community and culture got on board with the idea of bacteria on—and IN—our bodies.

Prior to that, it was soap, scrub, sanitize and repeat. Now, thanks to innovative testing, we’re able to see the TRILLIONS of bacteria inside of our digestive system, when they’re out of balance and why.

Want to know something incredibly interesting? Turns out the number of bacteria in our body actually outnumbers the cells IN our body. This proves that while we would like to think we’re actually the ones running the show, it’s in fact, a very complex community of cells and organisms. Every single day this microbiome deep inside our gut works to communicate with our various systems, hormones, and metabolism to make our body work.

So what does this have to do with fertility? 

The Connection Between Bacteria and Fertility

It should make sense that if a healthy balance of bacteria in our gut helps improve our health, then organisms in other parts of our body would do the same. And now people are taking notice.

Recent studies show that the uterine microbiome has a direct impact on women’s health issues such as:

  • Infertility
  • HPV
  • Endometriosis
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
  • Recurrent Vaginitis
  • And Other Chronic Issues With the Cervix and/or Vaginal Tissue

As an ND and midwife, I’ve worked with women for over 20 years who were trying to get pregnant despite years of infertility. What I’ve seen directly supports this growing medical theory that women who are on probiotics and/ or address their leaky gut conditions, see results when trying to conceive (TTC) sooner and with more success carrying to full term.

In fact, I saw so much success with it that probiotics are a part of my Pregnancy Solutions Protocol from the start.

The theory is that an imbalance of bacteria in the uterus causes inflammation and disrupts implantation or causes detrimental conditions such as endometriosis that make it difficult to conceive.

How To Control a Healthy Bacteria Balance

Creating a balanced microbiome of bacteria and organisms in the uterus isn’t difficult—and in fact, we’re already ahead of the game thanks to the recent focus on gut health.

We know that gut bacteria feed off of what we eat ourselves. The same applies to what feeds the bacteria in the vagina and uterus.

Finding the best way to address the imbalance of bacteria in our bodies naturally requires:

  • A Balanced Diet That Promotes Healthy Bacteria
  • A Reduced Intake of Sugars and Gluten
  • Avoiding Pesticides
  • Herbs and Supplements to Address Imbalances
  • Hookworm Therapy to Decrease Inflammation and Balance Bacteria
  • Improving Leaky Gut
  • Living a Life With Less Stress
  • Avoiding the Use of Antibiotics and Proton Pump Inhibitors (If Possible)
  • Use of Probiotics Based on DNA Bacterial Testing

Additionally, it’s important to not overdo it. At the onset of embracing healthy bacteria, people ran for every fermented food and probiotic they could find. However, there is such a thing as too much good bacteria.

All of the above disrupts the balance inside the microbiome that we work to create for optimal physical and mental health.

The Future of Fertility

Armed with all of these new studies, my own experience helping women with infertility and an intense interest (some may say, nerd love) for healthy bacteria, I began looking for available tests.

I came across a DNA test for the uterine microbiome, however, it’s not yet available in the United States. For now, it seems as though Canada and other countries will have the ability and benefit of testing to see what organisms are inside the uterus and what needs to be rebalanced.

With approximately 1 in 8 women facing infertility issues, this is extremely exciting news and research. The more we work towards balancing not just the bacteria in the uterus but throughout our entire bodies, the healthier we will be—and the easier it may become for women TTC.

Gone are the days of too much antibacterial hand sanitizer and unfounded theories of sterile uteruses. It’s time to embrace the trillions of organisms working FOR US to improve our overall wellbeing.

If you feel that you’ve done everything you can do to help increase your chances of implantation and pregnancy without success, let’s talk about how optimizing your bacteria could be the key. From hookworm therapy to my Pregnancy Protocol to customizing your diet, there may be options that save you the cost of IVF and the heartache of infertility or pregnancy loss.

Learn more about my Women’s Wellness Consultation Program here. I can meet with you by phone or in person to help you identify what is out of balance—hormones, neurotransmitters, bacteria—and give you the information you need to get things back on track.

While I know that after years of trying to feel better, it can feel impossible, I want you to know that it IS possible. When we give your body the support it needs, it will respond and you WILL feel better.

–Dr. Doni
18th June 2019

*Please keep in mind that any and all supplements – nutrients, herbs, enzymes, or other – should be used with caution. My recommendation is that you seek the care of a naturopathic doctor (with a doctorate degree from a federally-accredited program) and that you have a primary care physician or practitioner whom you can contact to help you with individual dosing and protocols. If you ever experience negative symptoms after taking a product, stop taking it immediately and contact your doctor right away.

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