Last week I wrote about super foods for helping the brain recover from stress. Now I’m going to show you how those same super foods, and more, help your whole body rebound from stress.
- Nuts: walnuts, almonds, pecans, and hazelnuts – help maintain healthy cortisol levels
- Fatty fish: wild salmon, mackerel and sardines – prevent cortisol from rising
- Berries: strawberries, blueberries and cranberries – help maintain healthy cortisol levels
- Leafy greens: spinach, kale, chard – contain magnesium, which helps muscles relax, and calcium, which is calming
- Dark Chocolate: lowers cortisol
- Green Tea: contains theanine, which helps to de-stress
- High fiber carbs: oatmeal, quinoa – increase serotonin for longer periods of time then refined carbs
Read more about these super foods by clicking here.
Why is it that we crave super junk food when stressed?
Salt, sugar, caffeine and alcohol trigger additional cortisol (stress hormone) – which we don’t want – and an initial boost in serotonin (a feel good neurotransmitter), followed by a drop. So we tend to crave them when we feel stressed, but they end up making the situation worse. Read more in the Huffington Post.
Better, when you find yourself craving super junk foods, to choose a super food from the list above instead.
And if it seems that your neurotransmitters or cortisol just don’t seem to rebound back to optimal levels, let me know so I can help you determine the supplements and nutrients that can help.
Luckily even the stores where we go to buy super junk food are starting to also carry super foods like green tea, nuts and dried berries, but if not, then you might have to choose a different place to stop when you find yourself needing a boost to get through the day.
What are your favorite super foods to choose? Please do share below.
Dr. Doni
DR. DONI WILSON, a natural health expert, naturopathic doctor, nutritionist and midwife specializing in gluten sensitivity, intestinal permeability, adrenal stress, and insulin resistance. She helps women, men and children achieve their wellness goals by finally getting the answers they’ve been looking for to their most perplexing health challenges. She is the creator of The Hamptons Cleanse and author of The Stress Remedy: Master Your Body’s Synergy & Optimize Your Health. Learn more at Find out how your body has been affected by stress and receive Dr. Doni’s Weekly Wellness Wisdom with tips to empower your wellness.