Healthy plans for the New Year?

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Healthy plans for the New Year?

2012 and 2013 written in sand with wavesWith the New Year less than a month away, are you finding yourself thinking about how you’d like to start something new for your health in 2013?

Whether fatigue from shopping and travel, or weight gain from not having time to work out, or a sore, bloated belly after a holiday party—your body may be signaling that a change is needed.

But where to begin? You may have all the information in the world at your fingertips…and yet…it can seem overwhelming to dive in to diet and lifestyle changes that can bring the lasting change that you know will make a difference in your health.

One possibility, to get you started in the right direction, is The Hamptons Cleanse.

I developed The Hamptons Cleanse (renamed The Stress Remedy Program) with the intention of making it easy to begin implementing changes that will help you feel better enough to want to continue to make those choices going forward.

The Stress Remedy Program is NOT just a diet.  It is a way of eating and a way of choosing to support your body that allows your body to regain health.

To listen to me describe The Hamptons Cleanse on the Five to Thrive radio show a couple weeks ago, click on the player below:


The components of The Stress Remedy Program:

1. Avoid gluten and dairy

2. Eat half-sized meals every 2-4 hours, and always include protein

3. Choose organic, free-range, hormone and chemical-free foods

4. Sleep 7.5 to 9 hours every night

5. Exercise 5 to 30 minutes, including core strength training, 3-4 times per week

So The Stress Remedy Program is a lifestyle cleanse!

It cleanses your body not by pushing things through, but by carefully choosing what to put in.

I suggest that you do The Stress Remedy Program for 21 days to start…to give your body enough time to show you what it feels like with this new way of being.  Then you can choose what to continue, when it will be a lot easier to feel the difference between feeling good and not.

The Stress Remedy Shake is a protein shake (green pea protein sweetened with stevia and xylitol) that you can use one to three times per day as a meal replacement.

In the meantime, holiday parties can make avoiding gluten and dropping your carb intake challenging…so do your best as you navigate the buffet table.

* Look for proteins (meat, poultry, fish and nuts)

* Skip the high carb temptations (cookies, cakes and sweetened beverages)

* Have “just a little” of whatever you choose

* Drink green tea or tasty herbal teas

And make plans to start the Stress Remedy Program in the New Year!

Order the Stress Remedy Shake between now and January 1st, and get 10% off your order with the code: 2013.

I look forward to hearing what you discover as you do the Stress Remedy Program.  I’ll be collecting your comments in January and February to share with others…who can then be inspired by your experience.

And watch for a note from me inviting you to attend a virtual seminar in January about How to do The Stress Remedy Program.

Dive in to health – in 2013!

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Master Your Stress, Reset Your Health by Dr. Doni Wilson



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