Let’s talk about yeast, part 2 – Recovery

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Let’s talk about yeast, part 2 – Recovery

Let's talk about yeast, part 2 - Recovery

With an understanding of yeast and how to identify it (click here to read part 1), now let’s discuss treatment and recovery.

If you catch the situation early, some basic probiotics from the health food store can be enough to get things back on track.

However, if you find yourself in the vicious cycle with yeast, it is going to be necessary to kick it up a notch and use herbs* that kill yeast (my favorite is berberine from Oregon grape root), highest quality probiotics (Klaire Labs, detoxification support for example), and arabinogalactan (remember those trees that the bacteria live on?) in a product such as ARA.

There are also enzyme products that will digest yeast (click for an example). And when addressing vaginal yeast, I recommend suppositories to kill yeast and others to add back healthy bacteria (we need to meet first to get your protocol all set).

Now be careful, because when yeast die, they let out toxins that can make you feel worse!  So as much as you are tempted to get rid of them as fast as possible, I find the most success by going slowly. I recommend that patients increase doses every 4-5 days, decrease if die-off symptoms occur, and then maintain the highest dose for 2-4 weeks before dropping down gradually to make sure the yeast does not sneak back in.

Please do reach out to me for assistance, or to let me know if you think you need to address yeast, so that I can help you choose the best products and dosages for you.  

Don’t be fooled! Chasing down yeast may give temporary relief, but it is not the whole answer.  The yeast will just come back if you don’t get to the bottom of the reason why they were able to take over in the first place.

It is possible to recover from yeast, even when it’s recurrent or chronic.

Yes, it is possible. The goal must be to, yes, kill yeast, but also to heal your digestive tract by identifying and avoiding food intolerances, and healing leaky gut; stabilize cortisol and neurotransmitters so that your body has a chance to keep yeast in the right balance; and establish healthy bacteria to protect you!

Changing your diet is also important in order to change the environment where yeast like to grow.  Yeast love sugar! Not just sugar in food, but they also love high blood sugar levels.  This is why if you read online about “candida diets” you will find that they recommend that you drastically reduce and even eliminate all sugars from your diet while treating yeast.  The idea is to take away the food supply for yeast.

What I often find missing in those diets is an emphasis on addressing food intolerances and balancing your blood sugar level.  While avoiding sugar and decreasing carbs will help your blood sugar, it is also important to eat, preferably a “1/2 size meal” with protein in it, every 3-4 hours throughout the day in order to keep your blood sugar levels optimal.

By taking this opportunity to address your whole health — blood sugar levels, adrenals (cortisol, adrenaline) and digestive tract – you are less likely to need to be so strict with the diet changes and more likely to break the vicious yeast cycle.

I’d love to help you deliver the eviction notice to yeast — after all, right now they think your body is their happy home — and stop yeast from coming back.  It is possible, and in the process, you will be improving your health overall.

Wellness wishes,

–Dr. Doni

*Please keep in mind that any and all supplements—nutrients, herbs, enzymes, or other—should be used with caution. My recommendation is that you seek the care of a naturopathic doctor (with a doctorate degree from a federally-accredited program) and that you have a primary care physician or practitioner whom you can contact to help you with individual dosing and protocols. If you ever experience negative symptoms after taking a product, stop taking it immediately and contact your doctor right away.

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  1. Hello Dr. Doni. I am very interested in your anti-fungal herbs to treat my Candida. I’m already taking a good quality probiotic supplement. I eat no sugar (except for some fruits) and very little carbs. I am slowly tapering to a gluten free diet… It seems like those anti-fungal herbs are exactly what I need to kick it up a notch! My question is the following: Should I also be looking at your detoxification support? Along with proper diet, I would essentially be taking 3 supplements (probiotics, herbs & detox support). Is that too much? Can I do all three at once? If so, should I be staggering them throughout the day so that they don’t interfere with each other? Thank you!

    • Hello Rose,

      It sounds like you are doing a great job so far, and yes, I would consider adding in the herbs. One of the probiotics I recommend is called “detox support” so I don’t want that to get confused with a product that may have nutrients/herbs that support liver detoxification, which are not as important. For the most comprehensive support, I would need to meet with you so that I understand your body and what may work best for you. If you like, you can use the online scheduling calendar here: DoctorDoni.com/Appointment Or feel free to email my assistant at schedule@doctordoni.com.

      Dr. Doni

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