Top 3 Susceptibilities That Make You Vulnerable to HPV and How to Overcome Them (Episode 213)

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Top 3 Susceptibilities That Make You Vulnerable to HPV and How to Overcome Them (Episode 213)

If you test positive for HPV, you have to get at the underlying causes and susceptibilities – otherwise the virus is likely to return. The root cause of one of these top 3 susceptibilities.
Nutrient deficiencies, hormone imbalances, and microbiome health play a crucial role in your body's ability to clear the HPV virus. Dr. Doni uncovers the root cause of these 3 susceptibilities so you have a full understanding of your options.

There are three key susceptibilities for testing positive for HPV (Human Papillomavirus) that increase the risk of abnormal cells. 

It’s not just about exposure to the HPV. Most all of us are exposed to the virus. It’s all about understanding what is making you susceptible to HPV at this point in time. When I guide women to address what is making them susceptible, we can get to the root cause and then they are able to clear the virus. 

Why We Need to Consider HPV Susceptibilities

When someone finds out that they’re testing positive for HPV, oftentimes the first things they think of are, “How did this happen to me?” and “Who gave it to me?” and “Why is this testing positive or staying positive?” 

What I want to encourage you to start asking is, “What is making me susceptible to the virus?”

It’s possible for the human body to clear the HPV virus, to get it to negative, and stay negative. I’ve discussed this in other videos on this podcast.

Focus on Underlying Causes, Not Just the Virus

So, how do we figure out why you are testing positive at this point in your life. What is making you vulnerable or susceptible? What are the underlying reasons? 

It’s very easy to focus on the virus and go right after the virus. And yes, there are many things we can do to go directly after a virus: antiviral herbals, nutrients, homeopathic remedies, and peptides. 

We can go right after the virus directly with dietary changes and so on, but that is likely to give us temporary results. We’re not just going for temporary results. I’m aiming to clear the virus and keep it from coming back again. 

If we want to accomplish that, we have to be thinking deeper, not just about antiviral approaches. We need to think about: “How can we protect you from it?” “Why is it sneaking in?” “How is it getting back into your system when your body should be able to protect you from it?” 

A New Way of Thinking about HPV

I want you to start to think about it differently because when you start thinking about it differently, I think you’re going to find that you have different steps you’re going to take, different things you’re going to want to do that are actually going to help improve your overall health and make sure that you’re protected from HPV, not just now but into the future. 

And if you’re exposed to HPV again in the future, we need to make sure that your body is protected from it. 

That’s the whole point of this. That’s the reason why I do what I do, and I believe that’s why we have so many success cases in my practice, because we’re asking different questions and we’re finding different ways to support both men and women to fully protect themselves from HPV.

The Three Top Susceptibilities for HPV

Let’s dive into the three top susceptibilities that I find are often getting missed. Often getting missed in cases that I see. And I want to put this out there because I want you to start knowing that you can and should consider this in your case. 

And if you think these susceptibilities might be going on for you, then you’re going to want to take the next steps to identify and address them. 

It’s important to know that this is not something that’s addressed in standard medical practice. The tests to identify these susceptibilities are not usually offered in standard medical care. So the information I’m sharing here is already going to help you to become your own health advocate.

I was talking to a woman the other day who called me because she’s been testing positive for HPV for over 26 years. She’s had abnormal cells on her cervix over and over again. She’s been through LEEP procedures numerous times. In fact, she went through a LEEP procedure just eight months ago because of CIN 2/3. 

They removed the abnormal cells. She went back six months later to be rechecked, and guess what? The cells are back again because the LEEP procedure doesn’t kill the virus, and so the abnormal cells come right back again. Now she’s in a situation where the doctor is saying, “now you need a hysterectomy.” But you know what? A hysterectomy doesn’t kill the virus either. I see patients who’ve had a hysterectomy, and again, the abnormal cells come back.

While these procedures help remove abnormal cells, they don’t remove the virus, and that’s why women are going through repeated procedures. That’s why I’m so passionate about saying we have to help you get to the bottom of this and actually solve this once and for all.

You should not have to go through repeated procedures or be at risk of cancer constantly in your life. It should not have to be that way, and my patients have proven that to me.

Susceptibility #1: Nutrient Deficiencies

I’m a naturopathic doctor, clinical nutritionist, and midwife, so I pay attention to nutrient deficiencies. You have to keep in mind that most practitioners are not trained in nutrient deficiencies and are likely not testing for them. So, it’s no wonder that you might be going to a gynecologist, and they’re not going to test you for nutrient deficiencies. 

To find out if you have nutrient deficiencies, you’re going to need to do different testing. Some of that testing can be done at a standard lab and maybe even covered by insurance, but you have to have a practitioner who can guide you to do the right tests to get the right information and then guide you to take the right doses to address those deficiencies so that you don’t just end up with the nutrient deficiency all over again.

I encourage you, please don’t try to do this all on your own. I know it’s tempting to be like, “Okay, I can figure this out on my own.” There are certain things you might be able to figure out on your own, but I’m telling you, it’s worth it to work with someone like me who can guide you specifically. 

For nutrient deficiencies, we need to be doing the right tests. For example, on regular blood work, you can test for vitamin D, and that’s one more practitioners are willing to order, but it’s not always covered by insurance. So you can start with, “Hey, do you have low vitamin D? If so, take vitamin D.” That’s a simple one.

But other tests are not so simple on the blood work, and a lot of practitioners don’t realize, for example, that you might not have anemia, but you might have low iron levels. But the test that we run is not iron; it’s called ferritin. So we have to be able to get your practitioner to order a ferritin level, or you can become my patient, and I’ll order the ferritin for you. 

Going Deeper to Find the Root Cause

We have to do this with each and every nutrient. In fact, there’s also specific specialty testing for intracellular nutrients. When we go to a standard lab and get our blood drawn, it’s showing nutrients in the bloodstream, not inside our cells, which is what we really want to know about.

So often, I see practitioners order a B12 level in the bloodstream, but that doesn’t give us the right information. That only tells us how much B12 is floating through your blood at that point in time. Very often, it’s too high, but that doesn’t mean you have too much B12. This is why I say that it makes a difference to work with practitioners who understand how to order the right tests, and interpret the results. 

Please know that nutrient deficiencies can absolutely make you more susceptible to the HPV virus. Oftentimes, I find people have many different nutrient deficiencies and don’t even realize it. 

When you go for blood work at the lab, they’re only looking for red blood cells, white blood cells, liver function, and kidney function. Those are important levels, especially in an emergency situation, but it’s not going to tell you about all your nutrient levels. 

Instead, we need to do what’s called a micronutrient panel, where we can test A-Z, all the nutrients from vitamin A, C, zinc, selenium, all the way down the list of nutrients to find out what is deficient inside your cells. 

Now, that test is not from a standard lab; that’s a specialty lab that’s out of pocket. By doing this test you can finally know the vitamin, antioxidant, and mineral levels of your body. This is a test I order for my patients, and it can really help us understand what is out of balance in your body and why, and then we can work to address it.

Once nutrient deficiencies are fully addressed, time and time again, I find that patients are able to fend off HPV, and keep it away. 

Susceptibility #2: Hormone Imbalances

The second susceptibility to HPV that I often find is hormone imbalances. And when I’m saying hormone imbalances, it could be any of the hormones in your body. It could be thyroid imbalance, it could be insulin and glucose imbalance, it could be cortisol imbalances, and it could be estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone imbalances, or all of the above. 

I want to especially focus on the ovarian hormones because that is another situation where you might think, “I’m going to go get regular blood work. They’re going to be testing for estrogen and progesterone.” But regular blood work doesn’t give you the right information because when we look at estrogen and progesterone in standard blood work, it’s usually in the “normal” range.

And then you’re told, “everything’s normal,” and yet you might not feel good and HPV is present. I encourage you to look closer. 

I first consider whether you are experiencing symptoms related to estrogen and progesterone.  

Are you having any PMS, menstrual cramps, heavy bleeding, irregular cycles, perimenopausal symptoms, post-menopausal symptoms, vaginal dryness, any of this and more, endometriosis-type symptoms, PCOS, migraines? 

If yes, we need to be looking at your estrogen and progesterone, but it’s not going to show in standard blood work.

Going Beyond Basic Blood Work

We’re going to need to do a specialty urine hormone panel. You can do it from home, send it in, and it can finally tell us what’s going on, not just with your ovarian hormones, but also how your liver is detoxifying your estrogen. Because estrogen is a hormone that has to go through the liver, and everybody’s liver processes estrogen differently based on your genetics and other factors. So we need to see, is there an issue with how estrogen is getting metabolized in your liver? We can see that in the urine because the urine shows the liver metabolites of estrogen. 

Then we can actually find out, is your estrogen too high? Is your estrogen too low? Is your progesterone too low? Is your testosterone too low? What’s happening with these hormones? How is your liver detoxification? Do you have too high of toxic estrogen? How is your methylation? 

This is information we can get from a urine hormone panel that costs a few hundred dollars, which is game-changing for your life and your future. It’s so worth it to know, instead of guessing what’s happening with your hormones. 

I think so many of us are feeling like, “Oh, I can’t spend this money, so I’m just going to guess.” But then what happens is you’re spending months or years wasting money, being stressed, and going through proceduresdue to HPV. It’s so much more valuable to invest in a test that’s going to give you the information that can help you to solve the issue. 

And the results are unique for each person. Not everybody has high estrogen with HPV. Sometimes it’s with perimenopause, or post-menopause, when estrogen levels start to drop; that makes women more susceptible to HPV too. 

So we need to understand your specific hormonal balance and help you to address it. And it can be addressed oftentimes with dietary changes, herbs, nutrients, or natural hormones that don’t have risks associated with them. 

Other cases are women who’ve been on the birth control pill or have a hormonal IUD. And in those cases, the ovaries have been turned off, and the synthetic hormones in the birth control pill and the IUD have taken over. Those synthetic hormones have risks associated with them. So we may need to help guide you to come off of those synthetic hormones to allow your ovaries to start working again, to give you natural estrogen and progesterone, and then help you to optimize that. 

What I do, and this is what I’ve been doing for the past couple of decades again, as a naturopathic doctor and midwife, is help women to optimize their ovarian function, which is definitely possible. I see that as I’m helping women fend off HPV, they end up improving their fertility, getting pregnant easier, decreasing their PMS, decreasing their menstrual cramps, and decreasing their heavy bleeding. 

All of that gets better because we’re optimizing ovary function, and it’s absolutely achievable. I can do that by guiding you one-on-one or in my “Say Goodbye to HPV” program. So I want you to know this is possible, and it’s worth it to invest in yourself to understand this because you’re not only going to be able to learn what your body needs now but what your body needs into the future to keep you feeling good.

Susceptibility #3: Microbiome Imbalances

The third susceptibility that I want to cover today is the microbiome. This is huge because more and more research is showing this connection between the gut and the vagina. And here we are talking about a virus that’s living in the vagina and causes abnormal cells on the cervix and the vaginal cells. 

We have to ask, why is the virus hanging out there? Well, because your healthy microbiome, the healthy environment, is not protecting you. It’s allowing that virus to be there when it shouldn’t. We have to be asking, “What’s going on with the vaginal microbiome, and what’s disrupting it?” And “How’s your gut microbiome? What’s disrupting it?”

The microbiome in all areas of our body can easily be disrupted by stresses of various types and toxins of various types, which leads me to say, definitely watch for my next video, where I’m going to go into stress and toxins as susceptibilities to HPV. 

For now, let’s focus on this microbiome. It’s also going to get thrown off by antibiotics, whether that’s oral antibiotics or vaginal antibiotics, also from things like use of spermicides and other substances vaginally that disrupt the microbiome. 

We’re not taught how to maintain a healthy environment in the vagina. We pay so much attention to maintaining a healthy oral environment. We brush our teeth, we floss, and we get our teeth cleaned. But we aren’t taught how to keep a healthy environment vaginally. And that’s why I really feel like this is so important, as women, to really own this part of our body and, instead of feeling embarrassed by it, feel empowered by it. 

There are things we can do to protect it. And not by using more chemicals. We don’t need to be using chemicals, antibiotics, and things like that. We need to be using diet changes because, ultimately, what we eat influences the bacteria living in our gut and the bacteria living in our vagina. If we don’t digest our food well due to stress, it can overfeed the bad bacteria in the gut and vagina. Many factors play a role here.

You might have experienced bacterial vaginosis (BV) or yeast infections. When you see your gynecologist, they do a culture by using a swab and looking at it under a microscope. They check for bacteria and yeast. If they find any, they may prescribe antibiotics or antifungal medication. 

But the problem often comes back, right? Many women get repeat BV and/or yeast infections. The treatments don’t completely solve the issue. They may kill the microbes temporarily, but they don’t restore a healthy balance in the vagina.

So, we need to figure out how to bring back that healthy environment. This will help prevent repeat infections and HPV. Research shows that women with BV and yeast infections have a higher risk of getting HPV. Restoring vaginal health is key.

We can fix this problem, but the regular tests and treatments at your gynecologist probably won’t help. We need a different approach. 

Treating the Root Cause – Not Just the Symptoms

There are special tests that analyze the bacteria in your vagina based on the DNA of the bacteria. You take a swab at home and send it to a lab. They look closely at all the types of bacteria and yeast to see if any are present that shouldn’t be.

Every woman’s results are unique, because we all have different bodies and experiences. To really understand your vaginal health, this detailed test is important. It’s much more specific than the standard gynecologist’s culture.

If you have symptoms like discharge, infections that keep coming back, or repeated HPV, this microbiome test is essential. It helps us get to the root of the problem so we can solve it for good. 

There are many ways we can then help rebalance your vaginal microbiome. We can use vaginal suppositories, herbs, nutrients, and anti-inflammatory approaches. We can also improve the health of your gut, which is connected to your vaginal health.

It’s all about maintaining a healthy environment in your body that prevents HPV from coming back, even if you’re exposed. Because if you have adequate nutrients, and you have balanced hormones, and you have a healthy vaginal environment, HPV does not stand a chance.

HPV is going to be running for the hills because it cannot survive when you have addressed these susceptibilities.

Your Next Steps

I encourage you to think about all of this. Make a list of what you need to consider and look into, and who can help guide you.

I help patients all over the world by phone and video. I have patients in the US, Canada, India, Australia, and many other countries. We can do this work together from your home, including the tests I mentioned. You can set up a one-on-one appointment here.

I also created an online program called “Say Goodbye to HPV”. It’s a great way for me to guide many of you at the same time. You can support each other too. You’ll get access to testing, vaginal suppositories, my protocol, and support to learn how to heal and protect yourself from HPV.

If you are ready to get HPV to negative, you can sign up for my Say Goodbye to HPV Program.

Say Goodbye to HPV: Heal your cervix and clear HPV with this 12-week guided program from Dr. Doni Wilson.

If you want to learn more, here’s my “HPV Hub:” with lots of resources and stories from women I’ve worked with. You can see that this approach really works, and it can work for you too.

To learn more about my approach using my Stress Recovery Protocol® which involves optimizing cortisol and adrenaline levels to heal the adrenals, as well as neurotransmitters, using nutrients, herbs and C.A.R.E.™ – my proprietary program to support clean eating, adequate sleep, stress recovery and exercise – I encourage you to read all about it in my latest book Master Your Stress Reset Your Health.

Thank you for joining me today and make sure to subscribe to How Humans Heal so you don’t miss my next video, where I’m going to go into three more susceptibilities to HPV that I do not want you to miss. 

We’re here to help you!



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