Welcome back to How Humans Heal with Dr. Doni! If you have been having issues with leaky, and don’t know what to do about it, then this is the episode for you!
On this episode we cover:
- What is leaky gut?
- What are the common symptoms associated with leaky gut?
- What is the best way to test for leaky gut?
- What steps can we take to heal leaky gut?
- How to get good bacteria back on track!
Specific links mentioned:
You can find the food sensitivity panels here:
- IgG + IgA Food Sensitivity Panel (48 foods): https://drdonistore.com/IgGA-Food-Sensitivity-Home-Testing-_p_1183.html
- IgG + IgA Food Sensitivity Panel (96 foods):https://drdonistore.com/IgG-IgA-Food-Sensitivity-Home-Testing_p_262.html
- IgA Food Sensitivity panel (96 foods): https://drdonistore.com/IgA-Food-Panel-96-foods-Home-Testing_p_74.html
- IgG Food Sensitivity panel (96 foods): https://drdonistore.com/IgG-Food-Sensitivity-Home-Testing_p_615.html
Other products:
- Dr. Doni’s enzyme support: https://drdonistore.com/-Dr-Donis-Enzyme-Support-90-capsules_p_977.html
- DGL Powder: https://drdonistore.com/DGL-Powder-4-oz_p_321.html#
- Dr. Doni’s Leaky Gut support: https://drdonistore.com/Dr-Donis-Leaky-Gut-Support-61-oz_p_681.html#
- Biocidin: https://drdonistore.com/Biocidin-Advanced-Formula-90-capsules_p_850.html
Dr. Doni’s Healing Leaky Gut Live group course: https://drdonistore.com/Healing-Leaky-Gut-with-Dr-Doni–Live-Group-Course_p_1198.html
- Find products mentioned here Https://drdonistore.com/Dr-Doni-Products_c_50.html
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- Weekly Wellness Wisdom Newsletter: https://doctordoni.com/www
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- Stress Warrior Book (FREE)
https://doctordoni.com/stresswarrior - Stress Warrior Stress Resiliency Group (FREE)
https://facebook.com/groups/stresswarrior - 7-day Stress Reset (FREE)
https://doctordoni.com/stress-reset - HPV & Cervical Dysplasia Guide (FREE)
Personalized Solutions:
- If you’d like to meet with Dr. Doni one-on-one for your health, request a Health Breakthrough Session: https://doctordoni.com/breakthrough
- To get an idea of more comprehensive options, read about Dr. Doni’s Signature Consultation Programs: https://doctordoni.com/services