Attend a Live Group Session with Dr. Doni!
Based on feedback from patients and readers, Dr. Doni created a online group session where you can learn specifically how to address MTHFR and methylation, and how to read a genetic report. This is a live group session led by Dr. Doni via video conferencing.

MTHFR Basics: The Answers You Need to Take Control of Your Health
Next live session TBD
Get access to this LIVE Masterclass for $97!
“I Have MTHFR: Now What?”
So you’ve found out – from your doctor or from your own research – that you have an MTHFR mutation.
You might be thinking: “A GENE MUTATION?! WHAT???”
I get it. The news that there’s something “wrong” with your body can be scary… but it doesn’t have to be.
The first thing you need to know is that you are NOT alone: more than 50 percent of the population has some form MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) mutation.
It’s natural to feel confused, overwhelmed, and worried about what this diagnosis means for you and your health, but there are answers.
I get a lot of phone calls, emails, and visits from people who have found out that they have an MTHFR mutation and are wondering what to do next. They – like you! – have a lot of concerns and questions, including:
We’ll cover topics like:
We’ll cover topics like:
- What exactly is MTHFR?
- What is methylation, and how does it impact my health?
- What are SNPs?
- What further tests do I need?
- How to read a genetic report?
- What can I do to address MTHFR and other related genes?
- Will supplements help? Which ones?
- Dr. Doni’s 5-step approach to addressing MTHFR for optimal health
Treating MTHFR is not “easy,” but it is possible – with the right information and the right individualized approach. I want you to get the knowledge you need so you can create a healthy, happy life by knowing your genes. This seminar is the first step!
The First 20 Participants to Register Will Receive An EXCLUSIVE 30-minute Group Q&A Session $190 value, yours for registering NOW!
Get your questions answered! After our live session, you may have more questions. Join Dr. Doni for a 30-minute LIVE Q&A session to go even deeper into your personal questions and concerns.
Get access to this LIVE Masterclass for $97!
DR. DONI WILSON is a Naturopathic Doctor, natural health expert, certified professional midwife, certified nutrition specialist, and author of The Stress Remedy.
For more than 22 years, she has helped thousands of patients overcome health challenges and achieve wellness by using specific strategies that address the whole body and ultimately resolve the underlying causes of distress.
She loves teaching patients to know what they need to move from stress to thriving, to live well, and to come home to themselves feeling serene so they can do what they love with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions
This seminar is for anyone who is interested in learning more about how the MTHFR mutation affects health. It will be most useful if you have already been tested and diagnosed as having the MTHFR gene mutation. If you have also done a genetic panel (23andme, for example), this seminar will help you to understand other important genes and how to read a genetic report.
No prior knowledge is needed. We’ll be starting with the basics!
If you would like to have your genetic report in hand during the class, then we can help you to run your report. It is an additional cost of $80. Please email us at OFFICE@DOCTORDONI.COM.
The session is a 60-minute live presentation on the basics of MTHFR, methylation and genetics. We’ll cover what MTHFR is, how it affects your health, and what you can do about it. We’ll walk through a genetic report and learn about the other genes that are important to consider along with MTHFR. Of course, the session will be recorded for you to reference again and again.
Want this empowering information, but you’re not sure you can make it on Nov. 9? No worries – the session will be recorded for you to access at your convenience!
If you are one of the first 20 participants, we’ll email you directly to schedule the group Q&A session. The Q&A will be recorded for your convenience as well – and you can even submit questions beforehand to be answered live.
If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with an MTHFR mutation and you are wondering what it means and how to treat it, this seminar will give you access to the information you need to make informed decisions about your health.
Researchers estimate that approximately half the population has some sort of MTHFR mutation. Reading through symptoms can help you get a better sense of how the mutation presents, but the only way to know for sure is through genetic testing. You can arrange to be tested through your doctor’s office, or independently through services such as
We hope to offer a variety of courses in the near future, but we have no specific plans to offer this particular seminar again before the end of the year. If you sign up now, however, you can access the recording of the session at your convenience.
Folic acid and folate are NOT the same, and your body’s needs are not the same as someone else’s, either. It’s critical to determine the right dose of folate for you. In this seminar, we’ll discuss the differences between folic acid and folate, and what further tests you need to develop a specific protocol for your needs.
Have more questions? Contact us at OFFICE@DOCTORDONI.COM for more information!