Stress Warrior Program
Stress Warrior Program
The Stress Warrior Program will teach you how to recover from adrenal distress and finally help you become resilient to stress.
Categories: All Products, Anxiety & Depression, Courses, Dr. Doni Programs, Programs
The Stress Warrior Program will teach you how to recover from adrenal distress and finally help you become resilient to stress. I want to teach you how to be healthy even when exposed to stress – and yes, it is possible!
When you SIGN UP, you will learn how to:
- Address your Stress Type and get out of stress mode
- Boost your energy, mood, memory, strength, and focus
- Address the underlying cause of your health issues
- Sleep better
- Optimize cortisol, blood sugar, hormones and neurotransmitters using natural approaches
- Effectively practice self care and daily stress recovery
- Learn to meditate, do biofeedback, and breath work
- Breakthrough old patterns of anxiety, fear and stress triggers
- Keep your stress response and gut-brain axis working for you instead of against you