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How to Support the Body to Recover Naturally: Dr. Doni Wilson on The Wellness Mama Podcast with Katie Wells

The Wellness Mama Podcast is a weekly series covering the topics of real food, stress, sleep, fitness, toxins, natural living, DIY, and other health tips to give you actionable solutions to improve your family’s health!

Show Notes:

In this episode of The Wellness Mama Podcast, we’re wading into a controversial area that parents are very concerned about, based on the number of emails and comments I get on the topic. Today we’re tackling HPV or Human Papillomavirus from all the possible angles, from vaccination to root cause approaches.

Since I don’t have personal experience within this area, I’m leaning naturopathic doctor Dr. Doni Wilson. She has an extremely high success rate in helping patients with problems like HPV or abnormal pap smears get back to normal after diagnosis. She goes deeps on underlying causes and factors, including genetic issues, reverse adrenal distress, autoimmunity, cervical dysplasia, and infertility.

P.S. Just in case you think HPV isn’t a concern for you: If you are female, you likely have up to an 80% chance of getting this at some point during your life. If you are male, you may never know if you had this or not, but you may be just as much at risk!

Episode Highlights With Dr. Doni Wilson

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