Dr. Kasia Kines is a Doctor of Clinical Nutrition and Founder and CEO of Global EBV Institute, and Holistic Nutrition Naturally. She is an author, speaker, wellness expert and international authority on Epstein-Barr Virus, with the Amazon best-selling “Epstein-Barr Virus Solution,” the EBV Recovery Program and the EBV Clinician Training and Certification Program. For 15 years she has served clients throughout the United States and globally in her virtual clinic. She helps those who struggle with complicated health issues, especially gastrointestinal and autoimmune, with EBV being the main focus in the last few years. Dr. Kines lives on San Juan Island in Washington with her family. Enjoy!
In this episode we talk about:
- EBV can reactivate, causing symptoms and autoimmunity
- You’re not going to hear about this in a regular doctor’s visit
- The best way to test for reactivated EBV, and to monitor it over time
- Common symptoms of active EBV, such as fatigue and pain
- What inspired Dr. Kines to move from Poland and to get her doctorate in nutrition
- How addressing EBV makes such a difference in people’s lives
- The EBV Recovery Program Dr. Kines developed for online support
Connect with Dr. Kasia:
- https://www.hnn-tracking.com/QL3F2/2CTPL/
- ELEVATE® Method Mini-course: https://kasia.clickfunnels.com/elevate-optin
- Book: Amazon best-selling Epstein-Barr Virus Solution
- The book on the website: https://ebvhelp.com/the-book/
- Thank-you gifts for buying the book: https://ebvhelp.com/gift-for-readers/
- Sample chapter from the EBV book: https://ebvhelp.com/the-book/
Online Programs:
- EBV Recovery Masterclass: http://www.ebvonlineprogram.com/purchase
- EBV Clinician Program: https://ebvhelp.com/ebv-for-clinicians/
- 30Day Green Zone Detox Program: https://kasiakines.com/30-day-detox/
- Main business website: https://kasiakines.com
- EBV resource website: https://ebvhelp.com
Other EBV Resources:
- Take the Quiz: Do you Have EBV? https://ebvhelp.com/quiz/
- EBV Hero Manifesto https://ebvhelp.com/ebv-heroes/
Social Media:
- Facebook https://www.facebook.com/kasiakinesnutritionist/
- Twitter https://twitter.com/KasiaKinesHNN
- LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/kasiakines
- You Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcLEIGA7b6l3WYIbiCWEGiQ
- Instagram https://www.instagram.com/holistic_nutrition_naturally/
- Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/kasiakines/
Connect with Dr. Doni:
- Facebook https://facebook.com/drdoniwilson
- Instagram https://instagram.com/drdoniwilson
- YouTube https://youtube.com/user/DoniWilsonND
- Weekly Wellness Wisdom Newsletter: https://doctordoni.com/www
Books and Resources:
- Stress Warrior Book (FREE)
https://doctordoni.com/stresswarrior - Stress Warrior Stress Resiliency Group (FREE)
https://facebook.com/groups/stresswarrior - 7-day Stress Reset (FREE)
https://doctordoni.com/stress-reset - HPV & Cervical Dysplasia Guide (FREE)
Personalized Solutions:
- If you’d like to meet with Dr. Doni one-on-one for your health, request a Health Breakthrough Session: https://doctordoni.com/breakthrough
- To get an idea of more comprehensive options, read about Dr. Doni’s Signature Consultation Programs: https://doctordoni.com/services